On the 1st. Sunday of December 1, 2002. I've been the Guest Organist for this Choir from the beginning. 36 years worth. The Name of the Church is Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church 1400 S. Ringo St. Little Rock, Arkansas.... The time is: 5pm... This church
has a 11 rank pipe organ with Swell & Pedal on the left side & Great on the right side. Console on the Right side & Piano on the Left side.
On the 15th, of December 2002. Due to my Kidney illness I just listen to the choir sing. It was only the piano, and no organist playing. Me that is. I play at Bethel AME Church 815 W 16th, St. Little Rock, Arkansas. The organ is a digital, and sounds good too! The time is 5pm.... Play for this Messiah for over 30 years at Christmas....
I am also the Organist of Bethel AME Church since Easter 2001!
Come Practice Handel's Choral Messiah Parts With George Foster At The Organ & Piano CDs
Crazy Wise Man Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping, Bungy Jumping, MIDI Organist Teacher, Internet Personal Page Design Webmaster Knowledgeable Mr. Foster...(:)