Update 4/23/2001. If you have the full complete program including The Loopy Landscapes, you can download from here my completed and newest Foster Game Data Files. I Work on these Game late at night while most none computer people are sleep. Then lets them run while I do sleep, to let the years mount up.
The Sims I have are adding up. The latest one I bought is: Airport. I have The People Sims flight Sim 2000, Skydive Sim, etc...
Sunday evening June 11, 2000, after dinner, I started on Bumbly Beach Park. I should complete it to my liking tomorrow Wednesday June 14, 2000. I am having a ball with these little animated behavior people, by you telling them which ride to ride, and these little fools have fights and break up the park's benches, light polls trash cans, etc.
I watch and learn all about the Computer, Internet World from, TechTV!
Please email me if you like the game too and send me your Game Data. We can share them.... What Kind Of Funny Things Goes On In All Hospitals ERs And Doctors Offices?
This is an update picture below of the first park that runs, Called, Forest Frontiers.
Roller Coaster Tycoon Web Site