Update: On August 28th, 2003, I died on the operating table, because my blood plasma was way to high...
In medical text books it says, when blood plasma is to high at the time of operating, the heart muscles will get very week and stop. Therefore you die!
Well on August 28, at noon, I was to have my 2nd Fistula operation. My first was in April, and went right. My blood plasma was again to high the night before and was giving medicine to bring in down to the correct level, so I did not die.
And now my complete story on the day of my death August 28th 2003. At 12 noon the operation started. There were two doctors on my right who did the cutting. Two nurses on my left to talk to me every two minutes.
I am all covered up. I can't see out. They can't see me or in. Two minutes into the operation the people on my left asked: Mr. Foster, Are You Okay? “I said, I feel fine”. The 2nd time they asked: Mr. Foster, Are You Okay? “Again I said, I feel fine”.
The 3rd time they asked again: Mr. Foster, Are You Okay? “I said I feel Okay”.
Right after that 3rd time, something happen to my heart. It was not painful, but it started to flubber real badly... I was unaware that I was about to die on the operating table. Then it suddenly stopped.
My brain is still alive and well. So I am alert all the way to my end, so I can tell you my story step by step as I died.
At this time I am at piece, and not moving. The fourth time they asked me, Mr. Foster, Are You Okay? “I tried to talk and say something is wrong with me, but my mouth would not open at all, even thou my brian told it the move. I kept trying to talk but
could not”.
The fifth time they asked me again: Mr. Foster, Are You Okay? “This time I know something is wrong, but I am still at piece. I am now trying to say HELP! But nothing is happening”.
Right after the fifth time, my lungs began to stop. I felt heavy pressure on my right chest. Hospitals are very cold to keep germs down. But at my end of life nears, I got very hot from head to toe. At that time it was all over for me. I was completely
Now I am going to speculate and tell you what the doctors what they did to get my heart and lungs working again... The doctor also told me before the operation, patients do fall asleep Mr. Foster. So if you do, we won't wake you.
Now the sixth time they must have shouted, Mr. Foster, Are You Okay? He is not talking at all. Again, MR. FOSTER, ARE YOU OKAY?
At that time they pull the sheet off of me and so my dead body... The doctors told me it scared them very badly. I know they had to do some bad cussing like, F**K!!! What are we going to do about this?
They got the heart shocker, and they told me they shocked me 7-8 times before my heart began to say something. Then the lungs were the next thing start back breathing.
To get them going, they put a big round oxygen hose all the way down my throat. They pushed up and down on my chest to help get my lungs to work. And finally they did..
Now what? Am I alright now? Hell NO! Well folks, I was in a deep coma for almost 22 hours... The next late morning when I woke up, and thought it was only a few hours later. Also I was told my special nurse Dialyzed me all those remaining hours I was
sleep deep in a coma, to clean my blood after being dead for almost 13 minutes I was told.
Now the hospital messed up on me, by not having my “Blood Plasma Checked”. Now to cover their ass-holes; they tell me it was my fault. Yes! My Fault! I cussed them out good!
Mr. Foster, you have brain cesers metal problems and have not been taking your medicine.
I was suppose to go home that very day Friday if the operation went well. But, because of my death they could not finish the fistula. It was un-complete
I told those damn doctors I feel fine, I want to go home now!!! No Mr. Foster we are going to keep you at least a week. I said the Hell you won't!!! Saturday came and went. Sunday. Then doctor cam in early that morning. I told him I am a church organist.
I need to go play church. I can even come back. No Mr. Foster. I have to find out about your mental brain problem you have....
I cussed so loud on a Sunday morning waking up the whole floor I was on saying; Please Let me go HOME!!
Monday came it was labor day. Monday evening came. I asked can I go home? No Mr. Foster..
I then told myself Tuesday was going to be my last day at the hospital because I am an out patient.
Tuesday morning came. The same doctor came in to see me. I cussed him so badly hew walked out, and came back that late evening about 2pm... That is when I almost attacked him, I was going to go home whether he okayed it or not. Well it worked. He ran out
of my room and about 10 minutes later came back with my release paper!!!! I stayed until after I ate dinner after 5pm. So I finally got home close to 6:30pm.
On September 18th, 2003 on a Thursday close to 12 noon, the doctor that did it to me came to see me at the hospital to see how my arm had healed. They were still saying to me and again, I cussed them out. Take that shit off my record saying I have brain
The next day Thursday the 16th,. five minutes before noon. Now I am n the table... At the last minute, I thought it was going to be done the same was, but I was wrong...
Mr. Foster, we don't won't you to know anything at all. So we are going to put you in a very deep sleep.... Hahahahaha! They all laugh, because, people who know me well, know I talk to Damn much they say for my own good....
You see, they don't normally put anyone to sleep this type/kind of operation at all.. You are always, awake... That is why I was able to watch and feel me dying...
Since I was sleep, it went very good. In other words, they got it right.
I was able to go home that Friday.. But before I did, I just had to go and fine my doctor in his office and make him tell me the truth about I did not have a brian problem after all. He had his lye made up... So he told me they all lied about death
August 28th 2003!
They thought I was going to sue them. That was why the lie was made up on me to put it all on me the dead man on the table.. Hahaha!!!!
But all was forgiven because the blame is on the hospital systems making all work over time to long!!!
On December 5/2002, from 12 midnight to 8am, my kidneys began to shut down. Seven months back I lost my taste, and I ate very little food. Mostly all water for food. I got very weak also. Could not pick up much anymore, or walk with minor leg pain. The
week of 12/1/2002, I was going to go to the hospital in the New Year 2003, but my body said NO!!! My nervous system short circuited on me because my blood was so toxic it almost killed me.
I am now taking 18 different medicines, 3 times a day.
So on 12/5/2002, my muscles began to act very violently wild. I was lying down watching TV, and started to get up, and fell back down.. Well I thought, people do fall, so you get back up again. So I fell again, again, and again... I got very scared. I
did not know what was happening to me... My LEGS kept on tripping me each time I tried to get back up.. Then my body, and arms started to shake, and I knocked myself out very violently to the floor...
I knew something was really wrong with me, so I thought about calling 911, but decided not to, and waited for my male good friend to come home from his night time job.
So you know our parents always told us to be very clean when you see the doctor. So I wanted to take a bath, so I crawled on my knees to the bathroom, and tried to take a bath, and fell in the tub, but was able to take a bath even thou I was shaking
violently and could not stop it.
Fell back out of the tub, and I crawled to the kitchen to try to fix breakfast. So I could only stand for a few seconds without falling again. Crawled to the icebox, opened it and got one egg, then got to the stove, stood, cracked the egg, but when it
came time to get it out, I got it, and carried it to the plate, but threw it to the floor. My hands and arms were shaking too violently to hold anything really still... Indeed very sad.
Next I wanted to try to fix a cup of coffee, I boiled water for instant coffee, but again when it came time to pour the hot water into the cup, it was poured all over the table and cup. I tried one more time but the same thing happen twice, so I gave up.
I was indeed so scared by now. My heart was beating so fast, I felt like I was about to die, and I really was, and did not know it at that time.
P.S. The doctors told me that I was about to DIE!, when I got to the hospital.
Around 7:30am, my friend called, and I told him I needed him to take me to the VA Hospital, something was really wrong with me, please help me.
He came right over. He had to dress me because I could not stay still enough on my own to do it myself... He then had to just about to carry me to his car, and then put me in it.
He helped to get me admitted, then the doctors put me on the admitting table, then while on it I completely knocked myself out again... They told me after I came out of it, my words were very slurred.
Next they put me in a whole body machine to scan my brain to see if I was insane, but all was okay. Then they put IVs in both hands-arms. Pills were given to me to stop me from shaking. The pills did it. After that, I became vary calm. Then I was
wheeled on a bed to intensive care where I was watched for 2 days.
When I got there about 2 hours they told me it was my kidneys that had failed, and brought me down. From that point in time, my life would depend on a Dialyzer machine for the rest of my life. They began to take me down to a operating room to put a
Catheter in my penis area on day 6. Then they began to take a lot of blood from me ever so often, and taking my blood pressure, and giving me pills almost every hour.
They then put a Catheter in my penis. I had to call the nurse each time I peed so they could measure the amount. Also it hurt when it was put in me. It did hurt each time I peed.. The catheter was taken out late Sunday evening.. I was glad to take myself
to the bath room to pee, after the pain I was feeling to pee...
I was not eating very much before I was taken to the hospital. But when they got my blood right, my taste seem to have come back, and it did indeed. I was so happy by that time I started to eat everything on my plate all 3 meals. Nothing was left. I have
not been eating much in almost 6 months because my taste was gone bye-bye.
Day 12/7/2002, I was moved to my private room. It was very cold in it, so I got up and turned up the heat. Soon it was warm enough for me.. I was happy, and warm. The food was tasting so good. I was getting stronger, and feeling great now... I was peeing
some, but not much like I use to.
On the late morning Monday 12/9/2002, my penis catheter stopped up, so it was taken out. Then at noon I was taken down to have a Central Line Access Catheter put in. What is that you ask?
Your kidneys remove waste from your blood. When your kidneys fail, they can no longer do this important work. Hemodialysis is a treatment that can take over the job of keeping your blood clean. Before this treatment can be done, an access (way to get to
your blood) is needed. One type of access is a central line access also called a central venous access). This is a small, soft tube (catheter) placed into a vein in your neck or chest. A central line access is often temporary.
Placing the Catheter
·You will be given medication to prevent pain during the placement. A small opening is made in the skin over your vein.
· One end of the catheter is inserted a few inches into the vein until the tip is close to the heart.
· The other end of the catheter extends a few inches out from your skin. This end is clamped off when not being used for hemodialysis.
Caring for Your Access
Problems such as infection may make the access useless. Then the catheter will have to be removed and a new one placed in another vein. Your nurse will show you how to care for your access to help it last. Follow
these tips:
Watching for Problems
Call your doctor or nurse right away if you have any of these problems:
.The skin around your access bleeds or oozes or becomes red or tender.
·You develop a fever over 101 degrees. The sutures become loose or the catheter falls out.
·Either arm becomes swollen.
About Hemodialysis
.Hemodialysis takes 2 to 4 hours. It is done about 3 times a week is a hospital or hemodialysis center.
.During hemodialysis, two tubes are connected to your central line access.
.Blood flows through one tube to the artificial kidney (dialyzer). Only about 1 cup of blood is taken from your body at a time. The blood is cleaned, then returned to your body through the other tube.
Inside the Dialyzer
A Central line access is often used only for a short time. When you no longer need the access, the catheter will be taken out and your skin will heal. While you have it take good care of your access. Ask your health care provider to write any special
instructions for you.
It was put in me. The operation did not hurt me, but I did feel extreme pressure while the doctors place it in my chest veins. I was able to with stand it thou.
Then I was wheeled right back to the Dialyzer machine to continue where it left off before the other catheter stopped up.
Tuesday 12/10/2002, 11:30am, I was given lunch. Right after I finished, it was time for my kidney bioassay. It started about 12:15pm.. Well this is going to be very funny and painful.
The nurse started to wire me up. All is ready. I am listening to my heart beat normal.
The doctor starts to tell me, Mr. Foster, I want you to lye on your stomach, and be very still. I said to him while I listen to my heart, why? Well George, this instrument will sound like a loud gun, and it could scare you. When I use it on you, it has a
knife at the end of it. Now George, lye very still, and I will count to 3, and pull it. Relax now. Oh George, Hold your breath, and I will tell you when to let it go, okay.
I thought I was relaxed but the heart machine beeping and for about 15 or so seconds it went into a very long beep. So now I thought I died! about 10 seconds later the nurse said, (HIS HEART HAS STOPPED REAL LOUD), THEN I SAID REALLY LOUD, OH NO I CAN'T
BE DEAD NO NO NO.) Then my heart started back.
The doctor started to laugh. Even I laughed too. Then he said, we almost lost you George, but we are going on now.
Ready George, hold your breath. One, Two, Three. I screamed very very very loud!!! It was the worse pain I ever felt on my left back side. But then, he said George, we take 2 cuts. One more time, but we ARE VERY SORRY GEORGE. This will hurt the worse
because I will cut even a bigger piece.
Okay George now hold your breath again One, Two, Three. I said, HELP ME PLEASE, THIS IS TOO MUCH PAIN!!! I screamed to I almost cried. The doctor told me it was over.
While the pain continues to be in my left back side, they sewed me up and I was hurting, but glad it was over. I was put out in the hallway to wait for the nurse to come get me, to wheel me back to my room on the bed I was on..
After getting back to my bed, I was giving all the pain pills. They did not stop the pain completely, but most of it. The pain finally stopped around 4am the next morning the 11th,. I was very happy then. At 7:30am each morning I was given breakfast..
On the night of the 11th, I was release from the Hospital. I was glad to get to come back to my lovely home I have.
And now for the rest of my life I have left, I must be dialyzed.
I wake up each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4am, then fix breakfast, eat it, 3 eggs, 4 slices of beacon, one slice of bread, Oat Meal, and Coffee. Then at 5:30am leave. Sometimes after 6am, I am on the Dialyzer machine for about 3 or more hours.
While my blood gets cleaned up, I talk to the other patients. I am finding about others, have lived for more than 9 years or longer. That gives me much hope.
Friday 12/20/2002, while getting dialyzed, my kidney doctor came to tell me what happen to me. He said (VERY HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE) gave me the kidney failure... My mother had that too... I did not have any doctors looking at me since the early 70s... I
felt good all the time..
I now know it will KILL you DEAD!!! Listen to me people... I have learned my lesson the HARD WAY...):
My doctor then told me Mr. Foster On January 9th, 2003 I want you to come back to the hospital for a over night stay to put in a different access, called a Hemodialysis Access. What is that?
A hemodialysis access is usually created in your arm.
Creating Your Access
A blood vessel with a rapid flow of blood that's also close to the skin is needed for hemodialysis. This doesn't exist naturally, which is why an access has to be made. It is made during a short surgery using one of
two methods:
.A fistula (sometimes called a Cimino) is made by connecting a vein to a nearby artery. Blood flows rapidly into the vein, making it larger. It takes weeks to months before a fistula is ready for use.
.A graft (piece of manmade tube) may be sewn between the artery and vein. Blood flows rapidly through the graft from the artery to the vein. A graft is usually ready to be used during treatment after a week or two.
Feeling for Your “Thrill”
If you put your fingers over your access, you should feel the blood rushing through it. This is called a thrill. Feel for the thrill as often as you're told, usually once or twice a day. If you
can't feel it, it may mean that blood is not flowing through your access the way it should be.
On 1/9/2003, the doctors will put a Fistula in my right arm... I will tell you all about. I will check in on the 8th, and if all is well on the evening of the 10th, I will be released...(:
I want home care... And I will get it.. I am getting PD Catheter Access..
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a treatment that can take over when your kidneys stop working. PD uses the lining of your abdomen as a filter for your blood. Before PD can be done, an opening into this lining (an access) must be made. The access for PD is a
soft tube called a catheter placed into your abdomen.
Placing the Catheter
.A nurse or anesthesiologist gives you medication so you don't feel pain during surgery.
.A small opining is made just below your navel. The catheter is placed through this opening.
.One end of the catheter sits in your abdomen. A few inches of the other end comes out an exit site in your skin. This end is clamped off and capped when it's not being used.
Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) and The Process of an Exchange
Using your catheter for PD treatment is called an exchange. Each day, 4 to 5 exchanges are needed. These can be done one of two ways. For CAPD, you do exchanges yourself in between daily activities. For CCPD, most exchanges are done by a machine called a
cycler at night while you are sleep.
I am choosing CCPD a cycler machine to come to my home, and self dialyze. I will tell you all about it when I start... More updates to come...(: Knowledge is power!
Saturday 12/7/2002 around 3pm, another one of my female students showed up. She too is close to me. She brought me 3 GET WELL BALLOONS. At 7pm two females I grew up with came to see me. When my mother died, these same two females came to see me. They
know you they are. Around 10pm, one of my old flying buddies came to see me.
Sunday the pastor of the church I use to play for 35 years, came to see me. He was not the pastor when I left...
Monday 12/9/2002, another pastor, and his wife, came to see me, the closest to me today. He will know who he is... Tuesday before lunch the pastor who saw me Sunday, brought his mother and a member of his church to see me...
Limiting Fluid When You Have Kidney Disease
Healthy kidneys balance the amount of fluid that enters and leaves the body. If your kidneys cannot maintain this fluid balance, you may need to limit your fluid intake.
.Water for drinking and taking medications
Fluids can be measured in different ways. The chart below can help you convert among units of measure for ease of use, some numbers have been rounded off.
When You Drink
Drink only when you are thirsty. Do not drink to be social or out of habit. When you drink, follow these tips:
.Measure out the amount of water you will drink during the day. Put the water in a container, and drink from that container only.
.Drink from a small glass or cup
Over 20 Million Americans have Kidney Failure!!!
On 1/10/2003, I was talked to by a psychiatrist, to see if I am sane enough to handle a kidney transplant, and the stress of it all. What in the hell does this have to do with getting a Kidney transplant? I say not a darn thing does it matter how I feel
about myself.. The kidney I get will not care about my personal actions with other people in life and how they feel about me!!! I told her I have no problems with myself.. This is not the end yet. More to talk about later as this goes on and on...(:
After 4 2 hour sessions one a week, I pasted!!! Very stupid questions indeed were asked of me...(: Nothing to do with my health at all!!! But, all is Well after all!!!
Anyone out there in Internet land that would like to give me one of their KIDNEYS? Call Me or E-Mail. 501-372-1988...(:
Update: On October 15, 2003, I was admitted again to the hospital on a Wednesday. I made sure the nurses would when it came time at night to start taking my blood to get it right this time... And they did this time around.. But this won't be the last
time. Every four to five months, this operation has to happen.
.Wash your hands often.
·Try not to touch the catheter.
.Don't let anything (such as clothing) rub or pull on the catheter.
.Don't get your catheter wet unless you're told it's OK.
Update 1/7/2003. I canceled the fistula operation yesterday, because it was not the right one for me...
P.S. Who came to see me? On Thursday, one of the alto singers of the Art Porter group who works at the VA where I was in intensive care came by to see me. She made me feel really good. Friday 12/6/2002, one of my best longtime piano students and her
mother came to see me that night and made me feel really good. She was 8 years old when she came to me January 1980, and stayed her whole growing up time until she went to college. Now she is 31 years old, and still is very close to me, and her mother
What Counts as a Fluid?
.Ice cubes and ice chips
. Coffee and Tea
.Milk, cream, and liquid creamer
.Juices, both fruit and vegetable
.Ice cream, sherbets, and sherbets
Figuring Fluid Amounts
1 Liter 4.2cups 34 ounces 1000 ml
1 quart 4 cups 32 ounces 1000 ml
1 pint 2 cups 16 ounces 500 ml
1/2 pint 1 cup 8 ounces 250 ml
1/2 cup 4 ounces 120 ml
1/3 cup 3 ounces 80 ml
1/4 cup 2 ounces 60 ml
2 tbsp 1/8 cup 1 ounce 30 ml
.Take medications with mealtime liquids.