This is the stop specification I have here not much. Manuals, are only 8'ft. & 4'ft. sounds, and pedal is only TWO 16'ft. ranks and extension to make 8'ft. So now comes "MIDI" it adds SPICE to the organ making it the largest sounding organ in the World. From my Yamaha SY99, I can create sounds from it, that in pipes, I do not have, from ranges of 64'ft up the Mixtures. Super Wow!
8 Open Diapson 8 Gamba 8 Melodia 8 Dulciana 4 Flute MIDI on Great 16,8,4 Swell to Great 16,4 Great UnisonSWELL ORGAN
8 Diapson 8 Gedeckt 8 Salicional 8 Voix Celeste 8 Aeoline 4 Flute 8 Oboe MIDI on Swell Tremolo Total 16,4 Swell to Swell Swell UnisonPEDAL ORGAN
32 Bourdon 32 Lieblich Gedeckt 16 Bourdon 16 Lieblich Gedeckt 8 Bourdon MIDI on Pedal 8+4 Swell to Pedal 8+4 Great to PedalWith that in mine, I have a pedal section out of this world, like a complete bombarde, section from 64', all the way up to 4'. Reeds, used all together, in combination, or one at a time. Also I have the best sounding Vox Celeste, and sounds, the pipes can't sound like...
The S-Y99 Keyboard has the Best Handbell Wave, that I ever heard from any keyboard. Chimes too.
When I play hymns on some verses, I may add midi strings, then on the last verse, add the midi brass, like Trumpets, Frenchhorns, and the Bombarde, Pedal. Then FULL ORGAN. That Sound, is Out Of This WORLD!
All FUNERALS and WEDDINGS I Play for, MIDI is in the FULL TIME MODE. I lay my own midi tracks for the sequence side of midi. This is Where MIDI SHINES! Playing midi from the organ console, is just wonderful, but recorded midi tracks, and just be the organist, like "Play The DAMN ORGAN" as the Organist, and let the midi orchestra play all by itself, that's the best of both worlds!!!
You may D-load .gif pictures of me playing and showing off my Stuff!
Look at the GIF PICTURES and you will also see other sound modules like, a ROLAND RACK MOUNT U-220, & MT-200, for the very UTMOST, that's where my ORCHESTRA comes from. The YAMAHA S-Y99 is where the recorded play back sequences come from & the Organ Stops are Created!
If you are an Organist of anykind, feel free to give me your name, where you are from, what church you play for, if Pipe or E-Organ, and do you have MIDI, or would you like to start using it in your Church Environment.
Crazy Wise Man, Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping, Bungy Jumper, MIDI Church Organist, Teacher, Knowledgeable, Mr. Foster...(:)
Click here I will tell when it Comes to the WORD "MIDI", This Group ACTS Very PUREST & SNOBBISH! (AGO) MIDI & The 21st. Century, Will Save The Organists, & The Survival Of The PIPE ORGAN!! Click Here, I will tell what FOOLS Church Folk Really ARE! What So Called Christians Do To One Another Is OUTRAGEOUS! And It Comes From Being Corrupt All The Time Church Folk The Guilty!