
Crystal Cathedral Organ Specification List & All The Pictures To Go With IT!

The Hazel Wright Organ

The Crystal Cathedral was designed by the renowned architect Philip Johnson. The building stands 128 feet high, 207 feet deep, and 415 feet wide. It is shaped like a star and contains 91,000 square feet of floor space. There are nearly 2,900 permanent seats and 2000 more can be accommodated in the choir and chancel areas, and in the large East, West, and South Narthex areas. There are many unusual features in the all glass and steel building, including interior and exterior fountains and two 90 foot doors that can be opened and closed to reveal a spectacular view of the sky. The Crystal Cathedral organ was made possible through a gift from Mrs. Hazel Wright and has been named in her honor. The gift of the organ was prompted by Mrs. Wright's gratitude to Dr. Schuller and his ministry to herself and to her husband, as well as by an early love of music which the organ will enhance for millions of people through recitals, concerts, Hour of Power television programs, and the opportunity for young people to play the magnificent instrument. The Hazel Wright Organ of the Crystal Cathedral is a world-renowned instrument of 273 ranks and nearly 16,000 pipes. (See Stoplist) In as much as large costs and difficult architectural preparations were involved, Dr. Schuller wanted the reassurance of the finest consultation available. He went to the legendary virtuoso organist Virgil Fox, and Virgil accepted his invitation to become consultant and designer of this great Organ. Included in the organ are a few solo reed stops that were in Virgil's home. Unfortunately, Virgil Fox died two years before the organ was installed and thus, was never able to give it his blessing. His physicians maintained that his determination to play the Crystal Cathedral Organ actually prolonged his life. The Hazel Wright Organ combines the 1962 Aeolian-Skinner instrument from the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New Your City with the 1977 Ruffatti which was in the former sanctuary of the congregation. A new String Organ and East and West Chamade organs were added by Ruffatti. Organs by Ruffatti and Aeolian-Skinner were combined by Ruffatti and inaugurated in the Cathedral in May 1982. The greatly enlarged front organ is perhaps Virgil's greatest imprint on the project. Additional pipework and many mechanical enhancements from a variety of builders have been added since that time by the Curators of the organ: Guy Henderson, John Wilson, and Brian Sawyers. The entire organ is playable from either of two five manual consoles. Virgil Fox also designed a console large enough for the combined organs. The 1982 five-manual console placed with the main organ is the largest drawknob console ever built. The exterior is of Virginia oak, the interior of rosewood. It is mounted on a moveable platform with a parquet floor and is one of the most luxuriously equipped consoles in the world. This organ is a result of the vision and commitment to great music by the founding pastor and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Schuller. GREAT ORGAN Manual II Unenclosed-3rd level West tower 33 stops 30 voices 47 ranks 2758 pipes Wind Pressures: 3", 3-3/8", 5", 7" PITCH NAME PIPES 16' Montre 61 16' Kontra Geigen 61 16' Bourdon 61 8' Diapason 61 8' Principal Major 61 8' Principal 61 8' Holz Bourdon 61 8' Flute Harmonique 61 8' Spitzflote 61 8' Spitz Celeste 61 5-1/3' Gross Quinte 61 4' Octave 61 4' Oktav 61 4' Flute a Cheminee 61 4' Flute Ouverte 61 3-1/5' Gross Tierce 61 2-2/3' Quinte 61 2-2/3' Sesquialtera II 122 2-2/3' Jeu de Tierce II 122 2' Fifteenth 61 2' Super Octave 61 2' Blockflote 61 2-2/3' Grand Fourniture II-VII PF 1-1/3' Ripieno IV 244 1-1/3' Mixture IV-VI 305 2/3' Cimbalo IV 244 2/3' Zimbel III-V 257 16' Contre Trompette 61 16' Posaune - 16' Fagotto (Choir) - 8' Trompette 61 8' Trompete 61 4' Clairon 61 Tremulant Sub Unison Off Super SWELL ORGAN Manual III Enclosed-1st level West tower (Skinner) and 1st level East tower (Ruffatti) 37 stops 35 voices 43 ranks 2798 pipes Wind Pressures: 3-1/2", 4-3/4", 5" PITCH NAME PIPES 16' Flute Courte 68 16' Quintadena 68 8' Montre 68 8' Principal 68 8' Viole de Gamba 68 8' Viole Celeste 68 8' Salicional 68 8' Voix Celeste 68 8' Erzahler 68 8' Erzahler Celeste 68 8' Flute Couverte 68 8' Bourdon 68 4' Prestant 68 4' Octave 68 4' Flute a Pavillon 68 4' Cor de Nuit 68 2-2/3' Nazard 61 2' Doublette 61 2' Flute a Bec 61 1-3/5' Tierce 61 1-1/3' Larigot 61 1' Piccolo 61 8/9' None 61 2' Plein Jeu III 183 2' Ripieno V 305 2/3' Cymbale III 183 16' Bombarde 68 16' Contre Trompette - 16' Basson 68 8' Premiere Trompette 68 8' Deuxieme Trompette 68 8' Hautbois d' Orchestre 68 8' Hautbois 68 8' Voix Humaine 68 4' Premiere Clairon 68 4' Deuxieme Clairon 68 8' Cornet V (collective) Tremulant Unison Off Sub Super Skinner expression to Solo shoe Ruffatti expression to Solo shoe CHOIR ORGAN Manual I Enclosed-2nd level East tower 19 stops 17 voices 20 ranks 1314 pipes Wind Pressure: 4-3/4" PITCH NAME PIPES 16' Gemshorn 68 8' Viola Pomposa 68 8' Viola Celeste 68 8' Cor de Nuit 68 8' Flauto Dolce 68 8' Flauto Celeste 68 4' Prinzipal 68 4' Koppelflote 61 2-2/3' Rohr Nasat 61 2' Prinzipal 61 2' Zauberflote 61 1-3/5' Tierce 61 1-1/3' Larigot 61 2/3' Scharff IV 244 16' Fagotto 68 8' Petite Trompette 68 8' Clarinet 68 4' Fagotto 24 8' Millenial Trumpet (Gallery Great) Tremulant Sub Unison Off Super Great/Choir Transfer POSITIV ORGAN Manual V Unenclosed-4th level East tower 14 stops 11 voices 16 ranks 976 pipes Wind Pressure: 3" PITCH NAME PIPES 16' Bourdon (Great) - 8' Principal 61 8' Rohrflote 61 4' Prinzipal 61 4' Spillflote 61 2' Oktav 61 1-1/3' Larigot 61 1' Sifflote 61 2/3' Scharff IV 244 1/4' Terz Zimbel III 183 16' Fagotto (Choir) - 8' Krummhorn 61 4' Rohr Schalmei 61 8' Tuba Mirabilis (Solo) - Tremulant Sub Unison Off SOLO ORGAN Manual IV 2nd level West tower 24 stops 19 voices 29 ranks 1757 pipes Wind Pressures: 6", 7-1/2", 10", 12", 16", 17" ENCLOSED PITCH NAME PIPES 8' Gambe 61 8' Gambe Celeste 61 8' Flauto Heroique (tc) (Celestial) 49 8' Doppelflote 61 4' Major Octave 61 4' Orchestral Flute 61 2-2/3' Quinte Flute (13-49) 37 2' Octave Flute 61 2' Harmonics VI 366 1-1/3' Gross Fourniture III 183 1/2' Cymbel IV 244 16' English Post Horn 12 8' Trompette Harmonique 61 8' English Post Horn 61 8' English Horn 61 8' French Horn 61 8' Corno di Bassetto 61 4' Clairon Harmonique 61 UNENCLOSED 8' Flute d' Arvella (Pedal) - 8' Herald Trumpet 61 8' Millenial Trumpet (Gallery Great) 16' Tuba Magna (tc) - 8' Tuba Mirabilis 61 4' Tuba Clarion 12 Tremulant Sub Unison Off Super PEDAL ORGAN Unenclosed-2nd level West tower, 4th level East tower and central space between towers 55 stops 22 voices 31 ranks 1100 pipes Wind Pressure: 5", 10" PITCH NAME PIPES 64' La Force (from 32' Diap.) resultant 32' Double Diapason 12 32' Kontra Geigen 12 32' Contra Bourdon (electronic) - 21-1/3' Diapente Grave - 16' Diapason 32 16' Contre Basse 32 16' Contra Basso 32 16' Geigen (Great) - 16' Montre (Great) - 16' Principal 32 16' Bourdon 32 16' Subbasso 32 16' Gemshorn (Choir) - 16' Flute Courte (Swell) - 16' Quintadena (Swell) - 10-2/3' Quinte 32 8' Octave 32 8' Principal 32 8' Violone 32 8' Geigen (Great) - 8' Spitzflote 32 8' Principal (Positiv) - 8' Bourdon 12 8' Bordone 12 8' Gemshorn (Choir) - 8' Flute Courte (Swell) - 5-1/3' Octave Quinte 12 4' Choralbass 32 4' Octave 32 4' Principal (Positiv) - 4' Spillflote 32 4' Spireflote 32 2' Octave 32 2' Spindleflote 12 5-1/3' Fourniture IV 128 2-2/3' Ripieno VI 192 1-1/3' Acuta II 64 32' Grand Cornet IV (Derived) 32' Kontra Posaune 12 32' Contra Fagotto - 16' Posaune 32 16' Contre Trompette (Great) - 16' Bombarde (Swell) - 16' Basson (Swell) - 16' English Post Horn (Solo) - 16' Fagotto (Choir) - 8' Trompete 32 8' Trompette 32 8' Fagotto (Choir) - 8' Krummhorn (Positiv) - 4' Klarine 12 4' Trompette 12 4' Rohr Schalmei (Positiv) - 2' Zink (Positiv) - GOSPEL Floating Unenclosed-East Gallery 3 Stops 3 voices 3 Ranks 195 Pipes Wind Pressure: 16" PITCH NAME PIPES 16' Trompette en Chamade 61 8' Trompette en Chamade 61 4' Trompette en Chamade 73 8' Principal PF 4' Octave PF 2' Super Octave PF 1-1/3' Mixture IV PF Sub On Manual V On Manual IV On Manual III On Manual II On Manual I EPISTLE Floating Unenclosed-West Gallery Mounted Cornet-Central Pedal 5 Stops 5 voices 9 ranks 513 pipes Wind Pressure: 12" PITCH NAME PIPES 16' Trompette en Chamade 61 8' Trompette en Chamade 61 4' Trompette en Chamade 73 2' Trompette en Chamade 73 8' Mounted Cornet V (w.p. 4-1/2") 245 8' Principal PF 4' Octave PF 2' Mixture V PF Sub On Manual V On Manual IV On Manual III On Manual II On Manual I HOOFDWERK ORGAN Manual II Cantilevered - 1st level East Tower 10 stops 17 ranks Prepared For PITCH NAME PIPES 8' Praestant 61 8' Holpijp 61 8' Quintadeen 61 4' Octaaf 61 4' Fluit 61 2' Super Octaaf 61 1-1/3' Mixtuur V 305 2/3' Scherp IV 244 16' Buzain 61 8' Trompet 61 BORSTWERK ORGAN Manual III Cantilevered - 1st level West tower 7 stops 12 ranks Prepared For PITCH NAME PIPES 8' Roerfluit 61 4' Speelfluit 61 2' Gemshoorn 61 1-3/5' Tertiaan II (tc) 98 1/3' Terzcymbel III 183* 1/3' Buntcymbel III 183** 16' Baarpijp 61 Tremulant *Terzcymbel 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 **Buntcymbel 4/15, 2/9,1/6 ECHO ORGAN Floating Electronic - speaking from catwalk 120' above the floor PITCH NAME 8' Fern Flute 8' Vox Amorosa II 8' Voix Seraphique II 8' Choeur Des Violes III 4' Divinare 2-2/3' Rohr Nasat 8' Oboe D'Amore 8' Anthropoglossa Tremulant Sub Super On Manual V On Manual III On Manual I PERCUSSION PITCH NAME DIVISION - Carillon on I Tower Carillon - Carillon on IV Tower Carillon - Carillon on Ped. Tower Carillon 8' Harp Choir 4' Celesta Choir - Glockenstern Positiv - Etoile de Grand Matin Gallery - Chancel Chimes (Choir) Great - Gallery Chimes Celestial - Rosinoll on Ped. I Gallery - Electronic stops tuner - - Chimes volume - GALLERY GREAT Manual II Unenclosed-Gallery Organ West side 15 stops 11 voices 19 ranks 1139 pipes Wind Pressures: 3-3/4", 16" PITCH NAME PIPES 8' Grande Montre (from Gal.Ped.) 17 8' Holz Principal 61 8' Holzgedeckt 61 4' Octave 61 4' Koppelflote 61 2' Fifteenth 61 1-1/3' Nineteenth 61 1' Twenty-second 61 1-1/3' Fourniture V 305 1/2' Zimbel IV 244 16' Contra Trompette 12 8' Trompette 61 4' Clarion 12 8' Millenial Trumpet 61 8' Herald Trumpet (Solo) - Tremulant Sub Unison Off Super On Manual V On Manual IV On Manual III On Manual II On Manual I CELESTIAL ORGAN Manual V Enclosed-Gallery Organ East side 25 stops 22 voices 31 ranks 1994 pipes Wind Pressures: 3-1/4", 4", 7" PITCH NAME PIPES 16' Bourdon Doux 12 16' Flauto Dolce 12 8' Principal 61 8' Viola Pomposa 68 8' Viola Celeste 68 8' Flauto Dolce 68 8' Flauto Celeste 68 8' Flute a Cheminee 68 4' Principal 61 4' Italian Principal 68 4' Flute Traversiere 68 2-2/3' Sesquialtera II (tc) 98 2' Doublette 68 2' Octavin 68 1-1/3' Plein Jeu V 305 2/3' Cymbale IV 244 4/5' Jeu de Clochette II 122 16' Contre Trompette 12 16' Ranquette 68 8' Trompette 61 8' Cor Anglais 61 8' Cromorne 68 8' Voix Humaine 68 4' Cor de Schuller 61 4' Chalumeau 68 Tremulant Sub Unison Off Super Positiv off V STRING ORGAN Floating Enclosed-Gallery Organ West side 16 stops 16 voices 16 ranks 1144 pipes Wind Pressure: 4-1/2", 10" PITCH NAME PIPES 16' Viola 73 16' Viola Celeste 73 8' Dulciana 73 8' Unda Maris 73 8' Salicional 73 8' Voix Celeste 73 8' Dulcett 73 8' Dulcett Celeste 73 8' Muted Viole I 73 8' Muted Viole I Celeste 73 8' Muted Viole II 73 8' Muted Viole II Celeste 73 8' Violoncello 73 8' Violoncello Celeste 73 8' Rohrpfeife 61 4' Nacthorn 61 Tremulant Sub Unison Off Super On Manual V On Manual IV On Manual III On Manual II On Manual I GALLERY PEDAL ORGAN Unenclosed-Gallery Organ East side and Center 19 stops 5 voices 9 ranks 260 pipes Wind Pressure: 5", 7-1/2" PITCH NAME PIPES 32' Untersatz - 16' Montre le Tour 32 16' Open Wood 32 16' Bourdon 32 16' Bourdon Dou (Celestial) - 16' Viola (String) - 16' Viola Celeste (String) - 8' Prestant 12 8' Bourdon 12 8' Viola Celeste II(String) - 4' Bass de Choral 12 2' Mixture V 60 32' Grand Harmoniques IV (Derived) - 32' Contre Bombarde 12 16' Bombarde 32 16' Contre Trompette (Celestial) - 8' Trumpet 12 4' Clarion 12 8' Millenial Trumpet (Gallery Great) COMBINATIONS 32 Levels of memory SSL Capture System Generals 0, 1-24 (0, 1-16 duplicated by toe studs) (Chancel cancel and Gallery cancel thumb only) Great 0, 1-8 (thumb only) Swell 0, 1-8 (thumb only) Choir 0, 1-8 (thumb only) Solo 0, 1-8 (thumb only) Positiv 0, 1-6 (thumb only) Pedal 0, 1-8 (0 thumb only, 1-7 thumb, 1-8 toe, All Ped. cancel thumb only) Gallery Great 0, 1-6 (thumb only) Celestial 0, 1-8 (thumb only) String 0, 1-6 (thumb only) Gallery Pedal 0, 1-6 (0 thumb only, 1-6 thumb and toe) Couplers 0, 1-5 (thumb only) COUPLERS To Pedal at 8' and 4' Great, Swell, Choir, Solo, Positiv, Gallery Great, Celestial, and String. To Pedal at 8' only Epistle and Gospel To Great at 16', 8', and 4' Swell, Choir, Solo, and Celestial, Positiv to Great 8' only, Pedal to Great 8'. To Swell at 16', 8', and 4' Choir, Solo, and Celestial, Positiv to Swell 8' only. To Choir at 16', 8', and 4' Swell, Solo, and Celestial, Positiv to Choir 8' only, Great to Choir 8' only. To Solo at 16', 8', and 4' Celestial, Positiv to Solo 8' only, Great on Solo (all stops and couplers) All floating couplers are listed within their respective divisions. REVERSIBLES To Pedal (thumb and toe) Great, Swell, Choir, Solo, Positive, Celestial, String To Pedal (Thumb only) Gallery Great, Epistle, Gospel. To Manuals (thumb only) Solo to Great (thumb and toe), Positiv to Great, Positiv to Choir, Positiv to Solo, Swell to Great, Choir to Great, Swell to Choir. Solo String on Solo. Miscellaneous (thumb and toe) Full Organ, All Swells to Swell, Pedal FFF, 32' Kontra Posaune, Glockenstern, Chancel organ, Gallery organ, Both organs, Reeds silent, Mixtures silent, 16'/32' silent, Celeste silent, silencer cancel. Miscellaneous (thumb only) Chancel Tutti, Gallery Tutti, Grand Jeu, Plein Jeu, Chamade 8', Chamade chorus, Carillon master. Miscellaneous (toe only) 32' Bourdon, 32' Contra Geigen, 32' Double Diapason String Organ (knob) String Tutti MECHANICALS Crescendos: Four independent settable crecendos. Blind check function for setting and checking crecendos, tuttis and blind reversibles. All Tuttis setable on each level. Setter: Located on manual 1 key slip. Key switch for locking selected memories. Expression Shoes: Celestial, Solo, Swell, Choir Expression Couplers: String expression to Swell shoe, String expression to Solo shoe. Miscellaneous Locking master power switch, Blower starter switches for Chancel, Gallery and Chamades. STATISTICS 10 Blowers (6 in chancel, 2 in gallery, 1 in each chamade division) Total Blower H.P. = 31 52 Resevoirs 106 Wind chests 384 Draw knobs 66 Tablets TOTALS Speaking stops = 265 Voices = 196 Pipe ranks = 273 Pipes = 15,948 This stoplist is up to date as of 06/23/95

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Last Update: 03/24/1999
Web Author: MIDI Organist G. Foster
Copyright ©2001 by George A. Foster - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED