As you see, I am a proud black AGO member and midi organist. Midi is the best invention for any organ and other instruments.
On the last Sunday evening of December 2003, I went to this church's new church building service. The church's name is: Immanuel Baptist Church LR. Well the choir sang an anthem I really liked... Any time I here when the organist's part is the show of
the anthem, I like that... That is what church is all about for me... Is a good sounding organ whether it is digital or pipe. I don't mind either...
But I enjoy them digital organ better because not like pipes, they stay in tune forever!!! I like that!!! That is the very part of pipe organs are hard to maintain, keep in tune!!!
The name of the anthem was Antiphon.
So after the service was over. What do I do as organist myself. Is to walk down while he plays the postlude and stand behind him until he finishes... Then he says: Hello George, how are you. I say find. I enjoy you playing the anthem....
Can I get a copy of that one.. Sure you can George... You can bring it back next Sunday. So I did... The price of that copy was over $40.
So to be fair, I did a 4 set cd of Handel's Messiah and it's price is $30. So I gave him a free copy as trade the next Sunday... He took it and thanked me...
I told him to listen at them and tall me what he thought of my work on them. The next Sunday he told how did you make your midi keyboard so much like a very large pipe organ with all of organ sounds...
I told him Mr. Finney that is the good part of midi keyboards are their sounds and so good at them too...
I said to him when I am really, I want you to come to my home studio so play and hear my midi keyboards. They will blow your mines...
He said I will be glad to come. Just let me know when. I will..
Well that was in January.. But I was not ready until the first of May... So on the 1st, I told him can you come this week. Yes, let me look at my schedule. How about Tuesday at 11am. Fine with me... Here are my phone numbers. Call me anytime... Also I
took his email address too..
So on Monday I decide to call him at work. When he said hello, and I said hello, he hung up on me....
After that he had been very nice to me each Sunday from January on.....
He is a damn Bible freak... You have to watch jim and preacher man together.. When preacher man gets ready to preach, Mr. Finney the midi organist take his Bible off the organ cheek, get off the bench and walks down to the main floor and walks slowly to
the front middle pew in front of Mr. preacher. Sits down smiles, open his bible of the sermon topic looks up at preacher, then the preacher man starts his sermon. Sunday after Sunday this organist does this stupid then show!!!!
I call it BS after what he had done to me on the 3rd. Sunday of May 2004!!!
The day was the Tuesday he was to come at 11am. 11:15, no Mr. Finney. 11:30am, no phone call. So once again I decided to call him I said Mr. Finney, why did you tell me you wanted to come and you are still at work???
He sounded very mad. He told me never to call him or talk to hum ever again and hung up on me!!
I got very mad myself!! Church (F) folks are ass-holes!!! He is a holly lying.. His words are full of BS and meaningless.
So I decided to e-mail him and told him off in a mad nice way... No bad words, but to the blunt point.
He did not like it so I was told later! This is what I see as organist of all the churches I have played for... Most of the members are shit asses themselves... They don't stand for anything that is right from the preacher on down to the little kids!!!
Most churches are BS!!!
So as I went back to this white church on the 2nd Sunday, The organist would always speak to me before church, but this time he would not come my way at all. He had been doing that from January on each Sunday saying hello to me....
After the prelude he would talk to me, but he just walked away from me on the 2nd. Sunday.
Even thou I was treated badly, I went bank on the 3rd. Sunday. Everything w3as about me...
What I did not know is I am not a member and black too of this church... And was coming each Sunday just to hear the organist play midi keyboard with the organ. That turns me on, because that is what I do.. That was the only reason for me showing up
there in the first place.
They had meetings on me. How can they get rid of this person. We do not want him hear anymore.. He is a nuisance Sunday after Sunday. Our organist fears him....
So without telling me, on the 3rd. Sunday the organist Mr. Finney had the city's police to come to that church before time and watch me the whole time while the service goes on..
See, I don't know I am being watched at all. At a Bible church!!! The BS Church from now on!!!
The service was very strange.. I felt something was very wrong there!! Okay church was over. So I will do again what I do as a good organist myself. Go down and enjoy the postlude, and try to talk to him again. sat behind him...
This time, he did not finish the last cord. He should have been held at least 4 to 8 count are more. But he just hit it, and before I knew it. He jumped off the bench and ran away from it and me..
I was shocked at what a church fools can do!!!
2 minutes no organist to come back and turn off the organ. So I waited. then the choir director show up.. people hang around and talk like they should... But they knew what was going to happen so they were watching me....
He started fussing at me, saying: Mr. Foster, we don't want you up here anymore.. Our organist turn us you threaten him in e-mail so he called the police on you today... Look out there Mr. Foster see them looking at you? They been from the beginning of
church service... And to arrest you if you make another threat to our organist.
I started to defend myself but he told me to shut up. He said you can talk later! He's talking loud so all can hear him.
Mr. Foster, we are not saying that you cannot come back here, but we are... Do you understand Mr. Foster? I said yes I do.. I felt like a slave hand! Yes Master! Racism is still alive today. And is shows up each Sunday at the Churches all over America!!!
The Bible Ignorant Church Freaks!!! People who get to know me, know I am so harmless to others. Although my words may not be all the time. No one's words are..
Okay so I am thinking, how am I going to get out of this ass-hole (F) church? I said to the choir director, can I leave now? yes you may, but do you understand what i told you Mr. Foster? Yes. Okay.
The policeman will want to talk to you in the back. Okay...
So when I got to them, one of them said: Mr. Foster, we don't know the whole story. We were called to arrest you this Sunday if you threaten the organist one more time. So that is why we are here Mr. Foster..
Do you understand, do not come here next Sunday if you do, you will be arrested...
I will never come back here... This is going to be on my website!!!!
P.S. AGO Organists we are suppose to support what each of us does on the organ whether it is the pipe organ, digital computer organ, or midi keyboard organ that is what I play and enjoy.
By doing so we can learn from what others do... Stop being SNOBS at the organ which most of you are.. That is so SAD!!! The pipe organ is not the instrument of choice for most church members.. Don't fool your selves.
Keyboards can do just as well. And can be carried. You can't pick up a pipe organ and take it with you like home. Now can you? Hell NO!
Even all the pipe organ companies are putting midi on all of their organ whether you ask for it or not.. It is the future for all instrments!!
Those of you who like to meet me can. This July 4-9 in LA, CA. at our convention... See you there!!!
Update 6/14/01. I want you people to know I have a life outside of the MIDI Organ world. I am a student skydiver, bungee jumper, and soon to start scuba diving Lessons before summer is over.... So many Organists live nothing but 24 hrs Pipe Organs,
music, and that is a SICK LIFE. And burnout comes FAST!!
I am still in training as a student static line, Free Fall skydiver. I have added more new pictures of me jumping.
A very bad update May 16, 2004!!! Since January 1, 2004, I have been attending a big rich white church here in LR, with a low end 3 manual digital stereo Rogers organ.! Well by now, you fools know what I am about. MIDI. But others are
slowly join me with midi keyboards at the organ console too.. That is the very good part of this sad story I am about to go public with it in the TV and newspapers too, after I talk with my lawyers..
Update 12/28/00. Here is a Professional Concert Pianist playing real pianos, but when midi came in, he quickly moved right into MIDI, bought a full size Digital piano, and started recording classical piano works... He is just like Me, and Hector. We are
not the Snobs I speak of.... Check out his website listen to his “Real Time Midi Sequences”, on your midi piano, or Sound Blaster Computer Sound Card and be amazed, at how he gets the digital piano to play with real live emotions with true feelings. Realtime Piano MIDI Sequences by Ron Lubetsky, M.D.
My piano students after most lessons go to my pc and down load his midi sequences and listen.
What MIDI means: “Music Instrument Digital Interface”. What can one do with midi, one person becomes the Whole Orchestra and then some, from any midified instrument... What that really means, you no longer need to hire groups of people to play with you. I like that. I am not a group person... I started my MIDI Career April 1990. And it has made me a single performer, the same as a Hector Olivera the midi organist. He is the midi organist, I look up to. I am just like him, by that I mean, I play with my own midi sequences, and I too sound just like him in my own way a one Man Orchestra me, George Allen Foster, the Great and un-snobbish musician open to new, different ideas, and sounds, while being a church organist...
General Music sells Ahlborn-Galanti Midi Pipe Organ samples in 4 different sound rack mounts.
You must remember this whole web site is based on my Life, and the people I meet and try to work with.. This group of people are messed really up.. If you are not the messed up AGO member then don't get mad at me... Only those that are, will get so called Offended, and Mad at me, are the Guilty Ones, and are stuck in real pipe organ mode!
Update 11/15/2000. I attended a local (AGO) meeting, at the time where members can talk and tell what going on with them at their churches, I announced to the meeting that I had finished a Midi Messiah Projected to help church choirs learn the whole Handel's work, with me accompanying at my midi keyboard organ and the piano on top of the organ the play out each choral part SATB, and does it sound good that way... And would you know less than one minute into me telling what I had done to help choirs in the church, I was told by the DEAN To SIT DOWN! We can care less about MIDI! Life in such Groups like this one, as I watch them in action are all about Kissing Ass-Butt, called SUCK UP!
This morning, I called the organist of the church where the Local AGO 11/13/00 meeting was held in, I had respect for him until I would say 30 seconds into the call, I mention the Word MIDI, He then Hung The Phone up....
No wonder with such AGO organist that have no kind respect for others with different Interest call midi and they turn their noses up at you... SAD I am not talking about all members. The many ones know who they are. Its the SNOB ONES... But in due time They will get their on their way, “Way Down!”
I have lost great respect for this organist and others like him.... This Local AGO Group in my opinion has no purpose to the city at all!!!!
The church is about Music coming from any device, not a pipe organ but all musical Instruments of the world.. These fools think, if it is not a pipe organ it is not real music.. They even look down on the finest digital organs like Rogers & Allen Organs!
If you think I am lying about the (AGO), go to any Piano/Organ/Midi Keyboard Store in your city, and just ask the owner saying, “Our church is looking to buying a New Digital Organ. Are there any organ church groups in the city, that we can talk to, to help us decide on what model/brand to buy?” And this is what will come out of the store's salesperson's mouth: (There is a group called The American Guild Of Organists, but they are the most SNOBBISH/Purist Group of people. All they like are Pipe Organs, and it make it very hard for us to sell our wonderful high tech organs of the future, like Allens, and Rogers etc). We have 4 piano/organ stores in my city. They are say the same thing!
I am not about Pipe Organs, I am about making music no matter what I have to play on, even if it is a H-B3. All I am about is the make whatever I play on sound the best I know how, and then the out come is wonderful like Super Wow!
Now you understand why I talk the way I do, why they can't deal with these organs. They think Keyboard Midi Pianos, that is what I play on in the my studio, are Trash, not the real thing! What is so good about the digital world is they never need tuning! You can't say that for the real ones. Now can you? HELL NO!
It is no wonder that this chapter and most others like it will never grow, because new ideas are ReJected, and Trashed....
I through my website I have gotten a lot of email agreeing with me, musicians that are not afraid to move out of new approaches in music are cut down by the SNOBS, Purists!
But to you SNOBS, MIDI will kick you in the ASS-WHOLE. I will just wait for your Fall and Firings when your church will say play a midi keyboard and lets have some tracks in your playing next Sunday, and where will you be then?
There is more to life then just being an organ freak of any kind... The computer can teach you all kinds of things you did not know you could do. The next link is just one of many different things I do and enjoy... Give music a rest PLEASE!!!
Mr. Foster's Roll Coaster Tycoon Corkscrew Follies Expansion Pack Pictures Of His Parks! Crazy Midi Man Skydiver's Web-Cam!
Update. As of November 9, 1999, I went to a local (AGO) Dinner Meeting, and Program. At the program which started at 7:30pm., I was talking to a organist which has a brand new MIDI Pipe organ at the church where he plays. The damn man is scared of the
MIDI technology. I have been calling him for 2 weeks. Since he is frighten of it, and I am not, I told him, I would like to give a complete midi recital anytime next year 2000, on the 4 manual 88-rank midi organ built by the Muller MIDI Pipe Organ
Company, to show what humankind using computer tools, like the midi interface, can improve church services. Those that won't using the midi interface even thou they have it, their jobs will be taken by us midi musicians, like me. We will KICK BUTT! And
say we told you so!
He told me he hates the word (MIDI). He will not consent to anyone playing a midi program at all. Guest what, if this gets out to the people who hired him. He is history.
Then I asked he, “why in the hell was midi stops and recording sequencer installed?” He told me by 15 years from now maybe midi can be used in his church... Hahaha! I told him, NO-WAY will it take that long. I said to him, Within one to two years, I will take him, “I TOLD YOU SO!” His butt will be FIRED, and musicians like me will have all of the SNOBS JOBS!!!
The (AGO) Nation Wild is still by far a SNOB Purest Organization. I would say 5% of it's members are using MIDI, as of May, 7, 2000!
Update. As of August 15, 1998, this u-r-l page, is now getting out to the world, using the Internet. I, will, say, MIDI, is here, to STAY. Midi musicians, like myself, who are not afraid, to play in church a keyboard, and to support, what it can do, for the church, will be the ones, who will be hired, in the 21st century. I have a good MIDI, EGO. I was told by my organ teacher, back in the 50s, that the organist, was the KING. NOT,!. I have all the sounds of a orchestra. Lets get Real. We all fell, for that LIE.
But with Digital Sample Sounds of Real Instruments, and the use of the midi interface, the organist, can now play, and record tracks, and let the sequencer, play them all back, and you the organist, play the damn organ. Happy Now?
The MIDI, Interface really SHINES, when you let it do the playing of your work, and you play with it....
Most MIDI Musicians, just know how to play the keyboards, well, and nothing else... Most can't, read Music. I say DUMB.
I have done my study, and homework of the interface, called MIDI. What you have to do to make the sample sounds play, and act like real musicians, is the Tweaking of sounds, in each playback track. Then note by note. ("Hard, but its, worth It"). Now add, control, codes, to make the notes attack, right, like very slowest, slower, slow, and fast, or fastest, for the strings, and brasses, alike, etc.
I do that. That is why my MIDI TRACKS, side so damn, real. It will scare you. So I like to replace real people, with my midi players, because they play right, and the way I like the music to go and sound, so I am the KING, as "The MIDI, ORGANIST.
I too, use to be e, (American Guild, of Organists) Snob, until I played, my first Yamaha, DX7 in 1989. I fell in love, with it. Then, I became an, un-snobbish (American Guild, of Organists).
The A-G-O, members, from my city, were called by the Snob Ass Hole Head Dean, and were told I told you not to go visit George Foster, he is not worthy, of this group. He is a MIDI Freak,!. And we are not, to support anything he wants, Nor go hear him play!.
Now, this person has a very sad "LIFE", to have the nerve, to tell people who they can be FRIENDS with, and NOT, BE!. This whole group I'm apart is a SICK, Group. Very Closed MINDED, and Have the Nerve, to think I'm talking bad of Them. Ha-ha-ha. Then they wonder why, they can't get students, and new members to belong!!!. Snobs is the Main Reason... I'm Getting e-mail from other Organists, from around the World, agreeing with me, about that they are the biggest, and the Most Up Tight Snobs around, and they ARE. Mostly all of them have mental problems. Like who doesn't!. WE all DO!. Drinking is "JUST The BEGINNING"!.
I think Most, A-G-O Groups, are this Way. Ha-ha-ha. Again, I'm getting E-mail from other organists around the WORLD, They too, are saying, the A-G-O, is a SNOB ASS GROUP, most of the time.
See you have to be on the inside, to tell the truth, about any group. Churches, are the same way.. I see Corruption, in all Groups, of people, I'm apart of.
Kissing, ASSES, is the name of the game,!.
The Internet, pipe-organ-list, called, pipe-chat-List, and E-Organ List Owners, are Both Scum, Snobs,!. Could be Something Else, TOO,!.
I'm for writing, what I feel, is the Honest, Truth. But you know, the Truth Always Hurts Us.
I will only go to Organ Program Recitals, That Address MIDI, From Now ON.
That is the only Program, that makes any sense, to ME.
These ORGANISTS, have no Idea, That MIDI, Will Be The INTERFACE TOOL, To Save The PIPE ORGAN. Nothing Else Will,!. What is Wrong, with these PEOPLE?!
I'm a, A-G-O, Organist, That Thinks, and Knows, MIDI, is The SAVING FACTOR, Of THE PIPE ORGAN. I Think, Musicians, That Look Down, On MIDI, are the most, Snobbish Group of people, I've ever been around. But not all. Especially when it comes, to NEW IDEAS, centered around the Pipe Organ.
I like, and love, the Concept, of the, "MIDI INTERFACE".
At one time in my Organ Life, I too, was a Snob. The Church, that I was playing for at the time, and the Choir Director, Forced, Me to Play MIDI, Keyboard, back in the summer of 89, or be FIRED. Then I did as I was Told. From that time on, I was glad I did. I loved, every minute of it, too.
You So Called Stuck-Up Snobbish, Organists Musicians. You don't Know, What You are Missing. I feel Sorry, for you. You Know Not, That You Know Not, What You are MISSING, in this Now, Very High Tech World. Even with you, if you don't do it own your own, sooner or later, the same thing could happen to you!
Embrace the Darn, MIDI Idea, or Get Your BUTTS, FIRED. I will even help the Church Kick Your BUTTS,!.
It really Never WAS. Only those of us, who play it, for a Living, think the Pipe Organ, is the Spice of Life. But, MIDI, will help the Pipe Organ To Survive well into the 21st Century. And its going, TO Happen. Whether YOU LIKE IT, or NOT.
If you are a Organist/Musician, and your Blood Pressure Rises, then Good. It Needs, to. I was once a SNOB, Too, when it came to keyboards. Not anymore.
I talk to other musicians, that are into midi, and those who sell it, and they are good at it, and at the midi organ. Like they will tell me, Most American Guild of Organists,are SNOBS. And I AGREE.
I too Belong to such a group, but I look beyond their Slowness, to see new Ideas, coming, to be. But you know what? New Ideas, always get People Very HOT, AND MAD AS HELL. The HOTTER, THE BETTER,!.
In the Long Run, Ha-ha-ha, They too, will have to, or be Force, to Embrace the PC, THE MIDI, INTERFACE WORLD, if the Jobs, they have, if they want to KEEP THEM.
I still Care, about this Group of People, called The A-G-O, as Organists! Because still, I Love the Hell, Out Of, The Pipe Organ. But Only Us Organists, like to play it, and listen to the pipes. I enjoy it too. 98% of most Church Congregations, can care less, about the pipe organ. Let alone, what the organist does. Male, or Female.
I Like, and Love, Pipe Organ Sounds, but MIDI, is it, THE KING. If you, the Organist, think you are KING? NOT,!. Unless you include MIDI, then you are, "The King of Instruments, Called, The MIDI Interface Connected To All Musical Instruments.”
Another comment, from this crazy, old wise man.
MIDI Church Organist, The Next Generation, of ORGAN STUDENTS, will come from a background, of MIDI, PIANO, KEYBOARD, STUDY.
And with that in mind, only those students, will want nothing less, than a, MIDI Equip, E-Organ, or Pipe Organ, to play ON.
Now, do you understand me?
Please come back down to Earth. MIDI, can only help us all. Try it, and you will love it, just like I do.
One more thing, I just have to say, anyone who hates a Computer, and will not touch one, will not, and I repeat, will not Understand, "MIDI", at ALL. You Just Won't.
And maybe my final comment, I think is, "The Interface Called MIDI" will be a Musician's, Life, because, whatever Instrument, one may want to play, if it's MIDI, then it can sound like. Even just like a Pipe Organ, or whatever Instrument, it wants to sound Like.
So we all, and I Plead, have to become, "MIDI Musicians," for our own SAKES.
Just to think, you Organists out there, if "BACH", were alive, he would laugh, at you real hard, about how you Reject The Word MIDI. You know he would Flip, out, and go Crazy, Over midi. He would show us, teach us, how his music, should be played, from the organ, with a midi interface added.. You are so, So Stuck-Up, and Snobbish, as I Said.
Another Very Smart Open Minded Wild, Organist, who is Dead, if he were still living, and kicking the Hell out of the Organ, and you know whom, I speak of, "He Would Talk Down At You Closed Minded Fools So Called Purest Organists", that even Reject the word MIDI. And he would do Justice, and go all over the world, show casing the organ, and MIDI.
Now, you "American Guild, Of Organists," who am I, talking about? Yes, it's Virgil Fox. The Wild, Open, Minded, High Class, Un-Snobbish, Un-Purest Organist,!.
Crazy Wise Man Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping MIDI Organist Teacher, Internet Personal Page Design Webmaster Knowledgeable Mr. Foster...(:)
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Last Update: 06/01/2004
Web Author: MIDI Organist G. Foster
Copyright ©2004 by George A. Foster - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED