Update 4/15/04. As a black 54 year old man, I have videos and pictures of most of my jumps. Since I started jumping in 1996, I go to black churches, talking to kids and adults, saying, their are not many blacks trying out adventurous extreme sports. And in my opinion, this is why there are so many SAD Blacks going to church. They don't have a out of this WORLD Rewarding Life Style to talk about. And enforce to others to join them..
I want to change that... I show them what I dream of doing, then you must have a bank job and learn how to put all of your money in the bank. That will give you an account for your life style, which I have.... Most of my black people to this day 2001, still don't have bank accounts. Most of Our Black Leaders Don't Enforce to our Very Young People to start money Bank Accounts. And this is very SAD!!!
First of all, my DADDY & MOTHER when I was a Little Boy of 10 years old, said to me, George, the "SKY Is Your LIMIT". Nothing can hold you Down, and or Back, My Daddy and Mother Said to me, George, if you want to FLY LIKE A PLANE, Don't Let Us Stop You.
Then, if someday even if we your Parents are DEAD, and you want to Learn to SKY DIVE, Then DO IT! We Will Support You, From ABOVE. It's our DREAM That YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST THAT YOU CAN! And Folks, I'm Doing It! Listen to me tell my Free Fall Story To You as you read.
The door opens. You are anywhere from . The sound of the air rushing by at causes your heart to leap to your throat. The Tandem Instructor looks out to determine the best spot to exit the plane. Your harness is cinched tight to the instructor. It is time. "Get out," he yells in your ear above the rushing air. You cross your arms over your chest as you were taught. You and your instructor inch toward the door. Then suddenly you are falling toward the earth. The Tandem Master grabs your arms to put you into flying position. Suddenly, another skydiver appears in front of you. What a sight! He is wearing a helmet mounted video camera. You look toward him not knowing whether to smile or scream in delight. Then just as suddenly, less than , the wind stops. You are under canopy feet above the earth. All is silent. Just you and the crisp air.
I Mr. Crazy Wise Man Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping MIDI Organist Teacher, Internet Personal Page Design Webmaster Knowledgeable Foster...(:), Did IT! I'm ! It's a GLORIOUS RELIGIOUS FEELING that HUMAN-KIND can FLY Like an AIRPLANE, AND A BIRD. Your BODY Becomes a WING! I'm going to continue it, because I should! People who will do this, Will Just Love to Live On The !! Those Of You That Find An Out Of This World Challenge, Will Always Treat Others With The Special KINDNESS They DESERVE! That's ME!! I Say, GET RID OF YOUR SAD EARTHLY PROBLEMS! Get AIRBORNE NOW! So Do Something About It !! Start Soaring Down Towards EARTH! I'm in LOVE WITH THE SKY!! I wish more BLACKS would take up SKY DIVING, and Stop this Basketball, & Football Stuff. They all are Playing this LIFE in the Wrong DIRECTION!! And I Even Know It TOO! My first jump was made on a very cold Saturday October 19, 1996. The Temp was at ground level 47 degress. Up at top level the temp was about 4 to 5 degress below Zero! My Personal Bio! Learn Some Things About ME! Looking for a Nice Female Friend To Enjoy My FREE FALLING SKY-DIVING LIFE WITH HER!
Welcome to the wonderful, exciting world of skydiving. Whether you want to jump once for the sheer exhilaration of it, or if you are interested in learning the art of skydiving, the instructors at Central Arkansas Para Center provide qualified instruction using the latest in equipment technology for your safe, but exciting skydiving experience.
Call Now. The number is 680-DIVE (3483) or 834-2509.
Location: The Drop Zone is located in Hazen, Arkansas, just 35 minutes from the Little Rock/North Little Rock area. And they are just 90 minutes from downtown Memphis.