I Too Can Learn To Fly For Now As A Student Pilot! Also Want To Learn To Sky-Dive, Like FREE FALL HELP!

That's another matter, kids do not have dreams, then the parents ignore them, well my parents did not. Back in 1954, my daddy knew a pilot of a small plane, this white man took a chance on taking this black man and his little boy me, up in his plane, but he did. I was 7 years old then. When we took off, it was a feeling I never had before. Right then a there, I told myself I wanted to be a pilot. That's all I ever thought about. It was on a Sunday evening.

Then My Parents decided to help my dream come true. They saved enough money by the time I became 10, that summer, Took some lesson. If only now, kids today can fly completely. I wish more BLACKS would take up Learning to FLY, and Stop this Basketball, & Football Stuff. They all are Playing this LIFE in the Wrong DIRECTION!!

So that's how I got my FLYING & SKY-DIVING IDEA in my head. Parents must be in all the way with a young child to support his or her DREAMS... But its sad, today not many Black parents know what That is, because, they did not have parents like I did...

That's why I say, People who become parents are only copies of what They had as parents. If they did not have a very good up bring, most likely they want give their kids any better Treatment!!!!

I want to start my lessons back and continue all the way to PRIVATE PILOT! Want to also do a Free FALL TOO! Will let you know if I do it!

I want to do stuff that most BLACKS don't know they too can do, Like I want to Jump out of a plane 13,000 feet up and just FREE FALL to about 3000 feet then start to slow down for a soft Feet Landing Up Right Hopefully!!! I going to do it SOONER or LATER. I'M NOW SKY-DIVING NOW! I STARTED ON A VERY COLD SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 19, 1996! WILL CONTINUE IT!

Crazy Wise Man Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping MIDI Organist Teacher, Knowledgeable Mr. Foster...(:)

Last Update: 04/17/2001
Web Author: MIDI Organist G. Foster
Copyright ©2001 by George A. Foster - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED