1. A Musician may accept a performing engagement only when such an engagement has been approved by the Incumbent Organist! It is the responsibility of the Organist to Determine Whether Approval has been Granted. In cases where such a performing engagements, for a wedding, funeral or other occasional service, has been requested by a third party, it is appropriate for the third party to offer the incumbent Organist the customary fee as a professional courtesy!
2. Make darn sure you get who you want the 1st. TIME! To do that, you listen most of your LIFE, because by doing that, you know YEARS in ADVANCE who can really do the JOB BETTER, and or BEST!
3. Sign a CONTRACT to make it LEGAL! If something must go WRONG, you can TAKE it to COURT!
4. Get really who you LIKE, and be DONE WITH IT!
5. Listen to the Organist Perform. Organists Most of the time, because we are only HUMAN show you how they PLAY each SUNDAY! So you won't be SURPRISE! at what WE do at the CONSOLE, or in my case, "THE MIDI ORGAN CONSOLE"!
6. Signed CONTRACTS by ALL who take part in the WEDDING!!!
7. The Organist Should be the person in Helping the Bride Select all the MUSIC!
8. To The Very Utmost, who-ever plays a WEDDING, like a Guest Person, "The Main Organist Should STILL BE PAID, No Matter WHAT!!!"
American Guild Of Organists Code Of Ethics!
Crazy Wise Old Man MIDI Church Organist, Knowledgeable, Likable, Mr. Foster..(:)