In Construction!Marriage & When The Female Says I Do, What She Is Really Agreeing To Do

Hello, Foster Internet Visitors. I have a older male mentor, who is 10 years older, than I am. He is married.

We talk all the time. He always laughs about this subject. Men, who make up all of the earthly laws, when it is in his favor, like SEX! When your female friend agrees to marry you, and she says I Will, And, I Do? Does she really know or understand, that she has agreed to become a legal prostitute, just for the sake of being religiously protected in the believe in GOD? Ha-ha-ha! And being owned by the State, in which she was married in, with a piece of paper, in hand? "Prostitution: 1. To offer (oneself or another) for sexual hire." Ha-ha-ha!

This is the real history what man had in mine, to enslaved the female, to be his SEX TOY, called MARRIAGE! The husband is promising to by things for his bride, and family, if she has sex with him anytime he wants it, and he brings home most of the Money, and no more than being fair at that.

And girls are brought up, to be so nice, and sweet, and to do only nice things.

But Fathers, and Mothers, are telling their daughters, not to even think of it, or have intercourse, until they are married. But wait! So you can be bought and owned, at the church altar, then go home, and let your slave owner, now called the Husband, takes you anyway he wants?

Sexing you up, whatever his dreams, lead him?

Mothers, need to tell their girls, that, they are sexual slaves, for the male human species, on the planet. Because, they are actually, owned by MEN, who marry them!

Preachers, support this, with man's book, called, the Bible, in his, or her hands! Many tell me, the Bible says this, that man does indeed own his wife, and she is to obey, whatever the hell, he wants her to do. The Preacher! Ha-ha-ha.

I have talked to many female friends, over the phone, and when I told them, that, they are only prostitutes, for the man, they fall in love with, most of them hung up on me.

They could not take the real truth, that men, made these so called, Biblicist, Biblical Laws, of the land, that having sex with a woman, that was made okay by GOD.

"That only man, said it was okay." HA-HA-HA!!! Funny!!!

We need to tell the truth, life is all about Money, and SEX! Females, their human kind are for being bought, and kept as sex slaves, and wives. And babies, come from this inforcement, by the states, and governments, of the world.

By owning females, we will make it legal, for man, to beat them up, if he wants to, and we will look the other way.

This attitude, I still see in the church, called christian folk.

To this day this will never changed, (Abuse) because man is the most powerful. And the men, who quote the man made, written book, the Bible, supports it!

Legal prostitution, that is really called Marriage. It is actually, LEGAL!

The girls, who walk the streets, should not be looked down on. They are religiously doing what man has already agreed to. This is what he likes.

By paying girls, it is righteously okay, by the church, and the Biblicist.

And now me, as the author, of this on going book in progress, (Most is on my harddrive, for my eyes only, until it is published), I want to see and hear all clergymen, clergywomen, and lecturers, preach this, in public.

Marriages Are Nothing But Legal Prostitution!
Marriages Are Nothing But Legal Prostitution!
Marriages Are Nothing But Legal Prostitution!
Marriages Are Nothing But Legal Prostitution!
Marriages Are Nothing But Legal Prostitution!
Marriages Are Nothing But Legal Prostitution!
Marriages Are Nothing But Legal Prostitution!

I Mr. Foster will not want a wife as my slave, so I can tell her whatever the hell I want her to do. Many men just want a wife, just to cook for him, and have sex, and babies, and nothing else. I call that a contract...

As I talk to many men, that marriages are not about love, it is about what I can get out of you, and nothing else. You know that is a very true statement. Real life, is just like that, and marriage is no better. The two, are the same. Do for me, and I will do for you. Marriage is all about scratch my back, and I will do the same for you.

When I do marry, I will want a wife, for the enjoyment as a thrill seeker, and do things, that involve planet earth. The sky, then outer space, and anything else, that has thrills in it. I can cook, and live without a wife, but when I do, it will be for the pure caring love, and the togetherness!

Web Author: MIDI Organist G. Foster
Copyright ©2001 by George A. Foster - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED