To this update it is still backward.. At a central local college here was a run by mostly blacks, but now whites are taking over this school. What does this say, blacks cannot educate when they run from the technology that the world will embrace so whites are being HIRED like Mad.. To run the computer labs, teach the internet, computer programming etc.
The Black College may have a Cult like behavior. They talk down the pc and the use of the internet. Black schools are behind because of its and are not using the pc and learning all about the www from the home, how can you push what you know nothing about! So you stop saying there is no money!! Fool Blacks are retarded because of be Backwards and wanting things to stay as is in the 19 & early 20th, century. See where I'm going with this.... Thats why most black school are behind. They don't play the white man's game.... If blacks are not using what they should have been using just to keep up with High Tech Progress, that is the reason. I bought my 1st computer way back in 1983.... Now I own 7 pcs... I ran the only Black BBS starting in August 87 full time 24 hours... 99% Whites used my system... See where I am going with this topic. I know what I'm saying. I'm staying ahead... I'm ready... You and me must fight blacks to get ahead...
Black schools stay behind because of the Staff and Faculty are totally Dumb of the Now you say that and you will be right on target okay..(:) Students are begging for e-mail & personal page accounts! Sad isn't it! Yes! Staff & Faculty are totally Dumb when they themselves don't even know the tools of the technology and are really Afraid to have it in their HOMES!! Haha, you cannot teach, nor push, what you don't understand! This is a Major Problem in the whole BLACK RACE!!! This is why MOST Black Schools and Colleges will stay in the Backwards MODE!!!!
Crazy Wise Man Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping MIDI Organist & Piano Teacher, Internet Personal Page Design Webmaster Knowledgeable Mr. Foster...(:)