
In Construction!The Disfunction Family & The Disfunction Marriage All One In The SAME! They Both Go Hand In Hand Together!

99% of Society Marry when they should not. There is a saying that goes like this, "Like Father Like Son, Like Mother Like Daughter". I watch females mostly, even the very wild ones, they are missing the father they wish they had, so they look for a so called male to be their father figure. In other words someone to show, and teach them what a father should have done in their LIVES!!

What I see all around me, parents don't have any idea how to raise kids. Kids need just lots, and lots of physical play, & Brains. I don't mean teach and or show them a sport, but to pick them up, throw them around do all kinds of wild play, like airplane, throw them up in the air and maybe think about catching them, Hhahahaahah You see I had the best Daddy in the whole world. All while I was growing up he not only played those games in the house, but he carried me outside so all could see him play with me, then all the kids would want my daddy to play with them like that, all they could say was, my daddy never, never played with me like your daddy does. Then they would all tell me, can your daddy be my daddy!!! See Folks, if only we played with each other, the world would be a better place to live!!!!

If you can be parents with a very positive intellect, like being able to read and gain knowledge through reading, and then will read to their children, and also will not drink, smoke, nor do the drugs, will raise the better child... If kids don't she the parents studying to make a better life for themselves, they won't want too either.

The reasons I think families are so messed up, is that they should have not gotten married or started a family in the 1st. place, until they get a Legal Child Birth License. That is what this whole needs is a license to start a family, if you don't pass the test, then no Babies!! I would say its ok to marry, but you cannot have kids, until you passed the child birth test!

Well, how are you going to stop BIRTHS? Easy, "Reversible Sterilization Of All New Born Babies From The Beginning!" And then only REVERSED, if you PASSED the PARENT HOOD TEST!

Crazy Wise Man Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping MIDI Organist Teacher, Knowledgeable Mr. Foster...(:)

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Last Update: 04/17/2001
Web Author: MIDI Organist G. Foster
Copyright ©2001 by George A. Foster - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED