A 1st. time Investor needs to begin with 1 thousand Dollars! That is a beginning for the first Time
I'm a very proud Black Investor. I've been into it for the last 3yrs. My mother died a year and a half ago, I invested all of her money and increased my giving to my bonds and stocks I own. In doing so as a black man hopefully when I RETIRE, I should have into the MILLIONS!
As your this date January 29, 1999. I am a very wealthy man. I have invested well and still am doing so.
I am going around to the black churches in the area and none of them are preaching to your young people how to save and put money in the bank. No the preachers are say we need more money to put in the plates. This is what is wrong in the black church. The leaders themselves don't even invest and know mostly nothing about the white man's money games. Sad but true. We need people like me to teach your Sunday mornings not about the bible but about how to work, save, & invest for the future. I am wanted to do just that, but the preachers I talk to say NO! That fear that kind of power coming from their own kind. This is why I have decided to stay out of the church politics.
ZDTV The Money Machine, learn more about your money by clicking on this link.
That is why I see My Black Race going nowhere fast! I find that most black preachers don't even invest, or know how, that's SAD! The BLACK LEADER, Can not lead us to become wealthy as a group! I just thought of this point to make, not even our black POLITICIANS tell us about how to INVEST! No wonder we as a RACE of PEOPLE are so BACKWARDS! It's our so called BLACK LEADERS holding us BACK TOO! I tell all of my friends and people I run into to change the way they think of FINANCES! It is a MUST that we make these Changes FAST! If not we won't make it in the 21st. CENTURY! "HELP YOURSELF!"
Do you know, we as a people are just as wealthy as any other race, we just gamble in the wrong direction, our money away. Like Playing the horse races, Dog race, Bingo, and going to Las Vegas etc. That's the FOOLS way of trying to get RICH, but the more Intelligent we are, we can make a much better Decision on going for the best way, to gain wealth. So the wise choice is to become a BLACK INVESTOR!!!! I must be doing something Right in my old adult LIFE!!!! Smiling!!
If you Invest, you can help change the laws that effect blacks and all. That's why I say Get Rid of the Black History Month, because it's taking us Nowhere!!!!
Dead People can't help YOU!! Always remember them as they were when being ALIVE!!
Crazy Wise Man Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping MIDI Church Organist Teacher, Knowledgeable Mr. Foster...(:)
If you are Black and an Investor, please e-mail me.