Update 6/12/01. I am still in training as a student static line, Free Fall skydiver. I have added more new pictures of me jumping.
Update 9/7/2000. By reading this site, and you become offended, then you must be Guilty. You are the one I am AFTER!!! This topic is about keeping it Very Real. If you don't like it, then GO TO HELL. The only place you can find it, is on Planet Earth! So if you are for keeping life's topics real, then read my pages in support of the freedom to write in book form to be published this decade! Mr. For real sane Foster, the Realist!
Up Date 9/7/2000. People that read and talk bible in each sentence 24/7 have MENTAL PROBLEMS!!! “I just found out about a close male friend of mine who is somewhat a Bible Freak, and hides behind it, and HITS his Wife, and has sex with his KIDS Too!” Please stay away from them, because they really have no Life Style at all, and really do nothing and even have no money to speak of......
I do not like the so called BIBLE, JESUS, FREAK! All they do, is to Pretend, to be polish, and perfect. And they are not! I see a lot of them, in SCHOOLS, and CHURCHES. They are the most STUCK-UP, STANDOFFISH, ELITIST, LORDLY, SUPERCILIOUS, ASS-HOLES, Around!
They will look down their noses at you, calling you, the most sinful person. And I find, they Belong, to the Most Freaky, Sexual, Religious Cults! All they do is say things like, JESUS, YES, JESUS, and LORD, all DAMN, DAY, LONG. And SINNING, all the TIME!
Beware, of that so call Person, or persons, who always have the Bible, in Hand. THEY ARE UP, TO NO GOOD, AT ALL! All that they do, is to talk about you, and trying to Brain Wash you! They are Really, the unbalanced ones. And not you!
If a person, or persons, talks against your Beliefs, and Religion, and then have the nerve to try, to back you into the wall, then make you say things that you would not normally say. Like believing in the Bible, the way they want you to think. If you refuse, to think their way, then they will Black Mail you, into joining their So Called, Religious, CULT! Look OUT! They are Very, Dangerous! They also look for weak minded persons, to take their life, away from them! They also will take your MONEY, TOO!
As of the summer of 1998, I was told there are sections of my city, where there are blacks, practicing, cult, like behavior.
I see a Cult Like behavior at a Central Little Rock, Arkansas Black College, and it's not right, for students paying their money, to be apart of it.
I see some Staff, and Faculty, Involve in this Very Freaky, Bible, Sexual Cult, Like Behavior! Even in the teacher, and computer labs, the students, are suppose, to be taught, all about how, the computer, and Internet, programming, are the future jobs, and not cult brain washing religion.
I think Schools, like that, should GET RID, of the So Called Phony People, that actually, do not belong, in a School, such as THAT ONE, and others like it!
I get e-mail all the time, telling me, this goes on at all universities, and colleges around the world. It is just being human to use sex, to catch weak minded people. In schools, and out of school.
Went to a black youth meeting, 5/11/99. The meeting was about getting blacks, to better understand the standards for jobs, in the 21st century. I was there just to listen, and hear what they were about. When I asked if i could voice my opinion, what I thought their project should be about, I told them it should be about nothing but MONEY, how to save it, and we should as blacks, show and teach our kids, about the stock markets, etc!
The differences how the white race, carries on in their life styles, and money, is always how they run the world...
But any way, this young teenage female, that was the chair person flipped out, when I started talking, she said she being a born again damn bible freak fool that she is said, Mr. Foster, we have to stay with God. Then I told her that is why the majority of the black race is backwards, because of it, and the white race is going on making money and staying in power.
All people have their own religious beliefs, including me, but keep them to yourself. I have no need to make others believe them the way I do.
This is what the white race wanted. When the black race was enslaved, they were given the Bible to learn how to read. This did satisfy them, and refuse to move ahead.
To this day, most blacks worship that man's written book, to much, and the rich life, passing them by. Sad but TRUE!
To much of anything, with keep you mentally backwards... I am not that person.. A Balanced person, will know that I am RIGHT!
This is just how I really FEEL! And further more, Life, is nothing, but a “Freaking, GAME!”
What Kind Of Funny Things Goes On In All Hospitals ERs And Doctors Offices?
Crazy Scientific Man, Bungy Jumping, Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumping, MIDI Organist, Teacher, Knowledgeable, Mr. Foster.