
Church Folk! Who In The Hell Are They? The Very INSANE!!!

Handel's Practice Messiah Choral Parts Played Out on CD by ME!

The Gospel According To Mr. Foster The Church Musician Who Sees From The Pulpit On Down!
Church Folk, Are Just Like SNAKES!
Jesse Louis Jackson
"Pulpit Confessions: Exposing The Black Church" by N. Moore Update 5/30/01. Be aware of the Bible Jesus Freak, they live in abusive Homes!!! The females of these homes just loves to be hit on my their Husbands and will denial it up to their Butt Holes that it is not happening! And they have the damn nerve to tell me, “They Are Born Again!” My FOOT!!!

Update 6/12/01. I am still in training as a student static line, Free Fall skydiver. I have added more new pictures of me jumping.

Update 1/25/01. Born 1941. American civil rights leader and politician. A Baptist minister, he directed national antidiscrimination efforts (1966-1977) and sought the 1984 and 1988 Democratic presidential nominations. His concern for the oppressed and his dramatic oratory have attracted a large grassroots constituency, called the Rainbow Coalition.

Update 2/16/01. On the news today, I heard Jesse Louis Jackson, has many more babies out there. There was a local church musician, that I knew Fathered many babies in my state, and he played for a church here... Churches just love the wild DOG on the pulpit, the choir and instruments, and the people attending... All Boys, Males, Men, are about nothing but SEX, and the pay off, is MONEY. Including ME. It is very normal to be around all females, at home, work, and CHURCH, and want to play Sex Games with them all. NORMAL is the WORD HERE... P.S. Someone is teaching the Girls Females to play the Sexual Games Too!!! Funny!!!

I have been around so many Married Men of the church. Most of them are Bible Freaks. You can't beat them quoting that Book. Most are fooling around just like Jesse, and the very sad part about that, they Beat the Hell out of the Wives, and girl friends. And they act like insane Cult Member Freaks, using Religion to make all females Summit. I know you know this is TRUE! You are a lying Ass, if you say I am making all of this page UP! I see that the church supports such action in Males. After all, it is about bring in more members, and if it needs to, it will make sure that teen girls, and grown females are always with babies in their wombs! I see it all the time. The church might as well be called a Sexual Cult. I know there is a behind the seen Freak Cult in many churches around the planet. Many are Church Deacons Too!!! And lets us not forget the kids too...

Girls are taught from their beginnings to think Sex is NASTY! But They Are WRONG! It is Fun! But Males and Females, of all ages, you don't want to make any BABIES, because it is wrong, in the Sex Game You Are Playing OUT!!! Fun Without Making BABIES Are The WORDS HERE!!!

This is what the church should teach, is if SEX is your Game, then take out before your Sperm can get inside of her “VAGINA!!!” So many males don't give a DAMN! They force their SPERMS In, and then LEAVE!!! I Do Care... When I am going to fool around, I will always not make any BABIES!!!

Do as Bill Clinton did, and most males have done with them is, “ENJOY ORAL SEX WITH THEM!”

That will never Induce a Baby!!!

We need to stop bringing down people who love SEX, at work, Home, and Church... It is normal to want sex from all females.... Jesse Jackson is a NORMAL MALE, Just Like All Males!!!

Update 10/31/2000. Just got a phone about this church that I talked about in the next sentence, the members that were kicked out, have started another church...

This is the History of all churches, when the people get MAD, they leave and start their church... So there is nothing new about any church body.. I call it “Kick-Ass, and leave that Mess Behind, and created another piece of MESS! Hahaha!

Update 10/25/2000. I just got a phone call about a local church that was brought to it's knees (And half The Membership left), by an employee that accused the top of 1000% of sex stuff which goes in most churches around the world this past summer has Settle Out Of COURT, due to pressure, and not having enough MONEY to FIGHT, in my Opinion!!!

As I still watch the church behind the seen Pure-d Adulterated SEX, and Politics! In the real world of JOBS, most females have to give the boss HEAD are more to get the job, and to keep it give more or all their bodies to the boss man.. It is just a strong fact of real life on planet earth.... Remember who, where and how Rules come to be, “From the Male's Head/Brain, and not any females”!

Update 10/1/2000. Incest is alive and very well done, if I may say so myself! The church members are “So Called Bible Freaks, so the Bible Supports The Incest Act? From the Top on down to the FLOOR!” Everywhere I go, I see it from the choir areas, front of the church, clear to the back of the church, and out the door as well!

Do you Bible Freak Nuts, know I teach 99.9%, (I Never Was Any Good In Math Hahaha), of Incestuous Students, and most of their parents are in love with their own kids SEXUALLY! Also they have the kids to hide it from the public... I have been to many/most churches support this, because it is a Cult in the church and no one says a word, Not Even The Preacher about it either.

Update 9/6/2000. By reading this site, and you become offended, then you must be Guilty. You are the one I am AFTER!!! This topic is about keeping it Very Real. If you don't like it, then GO TO HELL. The only place you can find it, is on Planet Earth! So if you are for keeping life's topics real, then read my pages in support of the freedom to write in book form to be published this decade! Mr. For Real Sane Foster, the Realist!

Update 9/5/2000. “George Bush, now supports the words (ASS-HOLE).” I have always used those 2 words. Everyone on the Planet cusses at least once every 6-12 hours!

Don't let any church people talk for you! Talk for yourself. Out of church people too!!!

People that read and talk bible in each sentence 24/7 have MENTAL PROBLEMS!!! Please stay away from them, because they really have no Life Style at all, and really do nothing and even have no money to speak of... I am not talking about the preacher. Just people in general stay away from, they are the sickies!!!

This add on update 8/22/2000. All church folk are very “Peculiar, Better Than, Ass-Holes of the Whole World's Society”. Their is a local Baptist church here, where members are throwing each other out, changing locks, even fighting one another in church meetings, I was told on many Sunday mornings The Police have to show up for the whole service... Hahaha, I tell you these folks are Bible Freaks Choir Members Deacons, Wife Beaters, Incest Supporters, having black mail Sex with each other to cover each other's Butt Hole, and act like this. Many members have left that church to go to others that have trouble too. Some even attend the church I now play for. The way I see life, it is all about “Black Mail”. Be aware of the church member you have Sex with, because when the Money runs out just to keep them quiet, and happy,, and or when they themselves run out of money, they will come to you for more living money, and when you say, you are giving as much as you can, the female will say, oh yea, NO! If you don't, I will put your name all over television and the I Internet, then prison, “So Write The Check NOW OR ELSE!”

This update is, 1/23/2000. This book I have recently bought 10 copies and given half of them away to my closes friends who come spend time with me. They all agree with me and this man who wrote about what the Black Church is really about. Kissing butt and more. As I have found out, life is not what you know in your brain, but “Who You Know That Will Let You In, Whether You Are Smart Or Not”. And it is often Sexual too, like payback for the job. You call it kissing ass...

I know Exposing the Church is just as Righteous as it can be. What do we think the news is about each day we listen, watch, or read the newspaper, 99% of it is all about Corruption in life. And the church is no different as its on Game Player... I have a link to buy this book near the end.

This update is, 6/30/99. As of June 27, I was hired to play for a white church, here in my city. After all, the church is suppose to be about performance, and not about my life and my book writing. This church will get its re-ward from my by my exiting black organ playing that I do.... I pity my black churches that can't see the righteous in that statement that will be in my book about them.....

This update is, 3/6/99, 5pm. Communications, in most black churches, are not there. No one, wanting to get involved, to stop, the mis-leading, wrong doings, going on at the church. No one knows what the other one is doing. This is why it won't ever get right.

1999, is the year for Churches, to stop playing Deceitful Games, with people, as most really do, and to start playing, Righteous Games with Us. In other words, the church should start to be FAIR, with it's members, and others. This is the Foster saying: I will start preaching, to people out of church, and in church. But to be most realistic as I am, Life in church, and out of church, is nothing, but a Game, and nothing else, as the outside world, realistically is.

I see, and hear it, all the time, and you do too. In other words, life is about Corrupt Power, and just a little Righteous Power. Life in the Church, and outside of it is, a "GREAT, PERFORMANCE, AS IT SHOULD BE". Those that are not performing, don't have a life, and the do nothing, people. Life in and out of the church, all people, "SUCKING UP TO ONE ANOTHER". Not a thing anyone can do about it. Life itself, is One Big Blank, as it should be!

Those of you who have enough GUTS to E-Mail Me, lets talk, about real life, the way I do, lets have at it. Click on Feedback, at the bottom of all of my pages, to E-Mail me. Only those who talk like me, can only give me their opinions, on what they see people do, right in front of their faces, and behind them too.

Now, lets have fun, with talking about folk, on Planet Earth, the Real People, who can talk, and see people for what they really are, "GAME PLAYERS".

Phony people cannot stand to talk the way I do, but real persons, can talk like me, and tell life, the way it happens, and not the way it SHOULD. I like these people, not being afraid to talk, and thinking they may loose their JOBS.. And talking REALISTICALLY AT THAT.

One family invited me, to their home, for Thanksgiving dinner, and I was Thankful, this family looking beyond my, book writing about them, and others.

Also another church family, a preacher friend, did the same at Christmas 12/26/98, invited me to dinner. They really did enjoy my life with them. I told them, the Computer has re-defined me as a writer, and a lecturer. I also said, they too, better be looking at how the computer, will be the life's, power mental, tool, for sure, after the 21st century, has arrived, etc.

At this time, 1/2/98, as I go around to some churches, something is wrong. The Church, is A, Everyday Political Game Machine, Everyone covering up Sexual Blackmail, Secrets, and that is all it is. Who is in with whom, to get put on what board, who does not like so-and-so, and want them out of the click, etc.

The church is nothing more than a "CONTROL FREAK". Also, I find in many black churches, the preachers, preaching fear, to be afraid, and you will go to HELL, if you don't do what I tell you to do. Poorer, people, that have no means of finances, and always broke without much money, can be controlled, like that.

One of my older male mentor's, told me many churches, depend on most of the membership, being mostly dumb, without much brains, smartest, and money, so they can be, "TOLD WHAT TO DO, BEING, CONTROLLED.

This is why I do not fall for those "SCARE, SERMONS".

Persons, such as Me, Are Very Independent, they actually HATE, and want nothing, to do with you. As I study the church, it prefers mostly for the membership to be "POOR AS HELL", that way, they can be “CONTROLLED, and TOLD WHAT TO DO!”

If I were POOR, then and only then, would they want to, control me, my brain, and, my organ playing. This is, the real truth, what the world, is all about, the church is no better. The poorer, you are, the better, for the church, as, a, whole.

People,!. The church is a place, of "Employment". It is suppose to pay the ORGANIST, CHOIR DIRECTOR, IF ONE IS THERE, THE PASTOR, SECRETARY, AND THE PERSONS, KEEPING THE BUILDINGS, CLEAN. It has to make, as much big money, for itself, as possible, to pay, its Bills, just as we have to do. The church, is only a "BIG, CORPORATE, BUSINESS, HIDING, BEHIND, THE BIBLE, AS IT SHOULD DO!

Making Money, is what THE GAME OF REALISTIC, LIFE, is all about. It has to BE, THIS WAY, TO MAKE IT, IN THIS WORLD!

The Church is Nothing More Than A CONTROL FREAK, For Poor People.

I am, also finding out, many church secretaries, giving out sex, to many of the Male Members, of the church, that is how they make ends meet, to pay their, Bills, of Life, and through BLACKMAIL, THEY RUN/RULE, THE CHURCH, THE WAY THEY WANT IT TO RUN, EVEN WHO IS HIRED, AND FIRED!

POLITICS IS STILL IN POWER, THE GAME OF LIFE! The Church is just a Game to be PLAYED, and nothing else. It is a JOB, for those who WORK THEIR. Also just like the OUTSIDE WORLD!

As I go from church to church, and the one I thought, I was a member of, all of my birth life, but I'm really am not, those people don't care about SHIT,!. Some, even live near me. Not even the "NEW, YOUNG, PASTOR, THEIR". As I told to him, he wants, nothing to do, with me, in wanting, me back, at all. All he is doing, is just, "PLAYING, THE, SAME, OLD, POLITICAL, GAMES, OF, LIFE! They won't even call or visit you, not even the So-Call-Preacher. Still for the Most as of this update, "Church Folk Are Still, The Most Cliquish, Bunch of FOOLS, and Phony, as HELL!

I'm beginning to see and find out about what these people think, you have to go to a church Building, to act like a Saint. NOT!!!

As I play for different churches, I Find the preachers preaching their Past, and that is SAD. I have to put up with many preachers, who know not the Future, at all, and don't even want to deal with it. What I mean about that, is, they fear, the new technology, called, the COMPUTER, AND THE INTERNET, is dealing in SIN!. I have one of the local associate, preachers, here, where I am watching, his church, as I write my book, telling me, that is not what his church, is about. He tells me, it is about only, the Bible, Learning.

And I told him, that is why I won't support, a church, that cannot teach, their kids, and the adults, about Computer/Internet technology, that is the key to life, along with the Bible, if it has to.

Because life is more than just, "The Bible". It talks, more about, “DEAD PEOPLE, ANYWAY!”

Myself, am involve in learning through humankind machines, that is why I have become so powerful and smart, because of it and my on going book writing, in PROGRESS! What I know about myself, none of us can preach the Future, if we are not using it, and embracing it, NOW!

Leaders that stand before people talking all the time about what they use to do, and still doing it are DEAD!

I hear persons who bring up the "Good Old Days, Way Back When. DEAD!

I'm saying Most Black, Preachers are still, backwards, and can't, let go of the past, and fear, the Computer Power and the Information Super Highway, Called the Internet, World Wide Web, is to much, for them, to handle.

They Need to be Taken Off The Pulpit For Good, For Not Moving Forward to The 21st Century Called, Progress. I'm All For It! Preachers, need to be PC, & Internet Geeks, to Keep Their JOBS.

Their are some preachers who are, PC, & Internet, Geeks, and are Pushing Computer, Labs, in Their Churches. That is the Leader I Want To Be Around, because, He, Is Like, ME!

My So Called Corrupt Church, just because I bought my own personal computer, and I found out it could be use, to write a book about myself, and design, my personal home, web site, and the very dumb members that did not understand what a computer, was for, Fired Me, On November 14, 1996, at 3pm.

They had the United Methodist, Church District, 7th, & Center Street, to do their Dirty Work. Like SCUM, THEY STILL, ARE!

This is Now, January 2, 1997, and Still, No, Wesley, Members, Shows, any Concern, about me. No Calls, Nothing, Not Even my So Called Blood Family Members, of this Corrupted, Church.

SNAKES, Were All Over, That, CHURCH!

As of November, 14, 1998, No Wesley, United, Methodist, Church Member, has been on my side, to Call me. Not a single call, to tell me what is really going on without me. So Called Christian Folk... This Church, and others alike as I am still finding out, is mostly, Full time, Corrupt-ness! True Religion, is not meant to be, it is just a way to make money.


I'm NOT Sorry, For Writing The Way I Feel, About What SO CALLED CHRISTIAN FOLK ARE, With Their People Problems! Each American, The Last I Heard, "WE ALL HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH!" With That Said, Don't Bother Me, Do Your Own THING, & BE HAPPY, WITH WHAT YOU CAN DO!

I'm Not Trying To Bring Down Any Christian Folk, They Do That, Themselves!

I Speak These WORDS, To Wake You UP, & Stop, Pretending, to be GOD LIKE, and You Are Not THAT Way, At ALL!!

You know, I'm the most, RELIGIOUS, person I know. I do not believe in forcing, you to have the same Beliefs, I do, but if you do think like me, then very good INDEED, but the So Called Phony Cult Religious Ass holes, Do Force you, to think theirs, is the only one, to EMBRACE!

With that in MIND, LETS, GET, STARTED.

Most Christian Members I see, are Ass-Holes. Stuck Up."They Are Not Who They Say They Are." They are even Afraid to Visit All Members, in the Homes Of Their Own Church! They are ALL so PHONY! I am the Only REAL HONEST PERSON I KNOW! I see them as 2 Faced. Family Members, act the same, if you move up in the world, too fast, they will stop, coming around you.

I find it even in MY OWN FAMILY, as long as you Stay Backwards, and Live in the Past, they like that. I see people don't want to hang around you, if you don't have anything in COMMON with them. That's why Marriages don't last long, because of THAT! I'm a Full-Time 21st Century Person. That's Me. I have a Futuristic, Intellect!

What I find at Religious Places, and others I VISIT, even friends of mine are saying the same thing I'm about to speak, using these Words, So Called Righteous Folk are the most Snobbish, Condescending, Supercilious, Contemptuous, Cynical, Insulting, Patronizing, So Called Elitist, Pretentious, Superior, Bunch of DAMN FOOLS, that I ever want to be around!

NOT,!."EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM",!. Then they have the NERVE, to ACT so SAINTLY! And Lets, Us Not Forget The Kids, They Act Just Like Their Parents, Too! Ha,Ha,Ha!

Some Female Musicians, Have Problems within themselves at Home, & Where they Play. They Act So HATEFUL. One Will Say, To Me, LEAVE, ME, THE FUCK, ALONE. Her Ex-Husband, Has ABUSED HER, OR SHE ABUSED HIM, FOR MORE THAN, 20 YEARS! I found out by talking to her church members, she has Multiple Personalities. They won't even fire her, because she to can Blackmail, some of them, she knows SECRETS, ON! Now you see why, So Called Christian Folk Re-Act, the way they do, because their Lives, are actually Sad..

Update: The female musician I am talking about above was finally fired this pasted September 2002! She should been decades ago!!!
People I use to look up to, and thought I really Knew them, are just as Deceitful, as they can BE! Mostly all they want to do with you, is see how much they can get out of YOU!. I'm not that WAY!. A lot of Families, are that way, TOO,!. Then I say to myself, that's how they were, all of their LIVES!. In other words, they know no Better! I use to have friends, that I thought were my friends, are really not. They are Too, Deceitful, This is why, I show my HONEST REAL SELF TO THE WORLD, AND PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ME. That way, you will not be, Mis-Lead, by, ME! It's sad, not many people, can be REAL, or HONEST, with, us!

Christian Folk, What They Do To One Another, are just as, JEALOUS, of ONE'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS, in LIFE. That's the Main Reason why Religious Folk Fight in MEETINGS! That's what's wrong with the Whole WORLD! Until its FIXED, then it will always be this WAY!

You see, SIN, is SIN. We all do it! So what, Big, DEAL! From the beginning, of life, all the way up to the 100 years old,!. There is no such thing as a SINLESS PERSON, EITHER!

There is no such thing as a, "SECRET". What I find out about people, we tell our own sins to people, they can't hold it in any longer, so they tell it to the next Person, and it keeps, on going, and going, and going, until all of us FOOLS, know what's going on in their LIVES,!. I Find Most People, Work Off of, MONEY, & SEX! Again, BIG, DEAL!

What I Have Seen, So Called Christian Folk Do To One Another, "Kids, having Sex, while church, is going on up in the Balcony, and in Sunday School Rooms.

I see, Wife Abuse, Christian Folk where I visit, still are covering up Wife Abuse, and they all know IT! I see at churches, Full Time INCEST, I have friends, who are into Incest, and have seen it, with my own EYES. These same people, if you and I were doing it, would want to put us AWAY! These are the same People, who Think They are a, Christian. NOT!

Christian Folk! I see Drunkenness, Marriages, Sleeping Around! You know it's so many, So Called, Folk, who sleep with each other's, Husbands, and Wives, it's not even funny anymore,!. Teens, are doing the same things to each other TOO,!. I see Gayness, Bi-Sexual, Call Women, and Prostitution. I also see people doing, and or Selling Drugs, and Talking Down To, etc."

If I'm Not Talking About YOU, Then This Topic, Should Not BOTHER YOU,!. We Have the LEGAL, and Freedom Rights, To Speak, Our, Opinions! Start Your Site, & Have your SAY, But Don't Get Angry AT ME!

I've heard of Christian Folks Sharing their Kids Sexually, with other So Called Christian Leaders, and members, that come to town, and of course, the Leader is really no better than the rest of us FOOLS! (A Local Pastor, Told Me This, In Secret). Also I've seen and heard of Leaders who will Beat the Hell Out of Their Wives, and Kids, just because they don't act right in front of the Christian Shippers. Also there are Leaders, All Kinds, who just love to Sleep with their Married, and Single Women Members, and anyone else they can FIND!

You know what, the Women who do it, have no Problems with it either. They will then have the NERVE, to tell you to go to HELL, and they say, how SINFUL, you are,!. I have seen it with my own EYES, in my 51 years of LIFE!

You know I wonder why, no one trys to stop, this abuse, then I see Why, the very ones who thinks its wrong, they have it, in their LIVES, TOO. In other words, if they tell, they will get BEAT-UP by their LOVERS, and HUSBANDS!

Remember this, The So Called Christian Folks, are no better, than the up front Leader, either, doing the very same things, that I said, above, about the up front person, they are doing the very same things, TOO,!. I am not saying, all Up front People, do this stuff, So, Get, Off, My, CASE!

I have figured it out Long Time Ago, LIFE IS NOTHING MORE THAN A SETUP,!. We can't, do SIN, unless it was done before we were ever BORN. BIG DEAL!

I have become FED UP with this Kind of Person. Since the beginning of this year, I've become the most Spoken out person, that some people have gotten a little Scared of me, just because I'm telling the TRUTH, about us ALL!

We All SIN! So stop turning your NOSES up, on people, like you are, SUPERIOR,!. We are all no better than each other. So, QUIT, IT, unless you want to be Called An Ass, Hole! Now Do you Like that NAME? If so Ms,/Mrs,/Mr, you WEAR it, very well, and you really, DESERVE, IT!

Please don't let me talk about the Phony So Called BIBLE JESUS CULT FREAKS, using SEX to Hook, Brainwash, and Capture their Members,!.

I have seen, Acquaintances, like, so called Born again Christians Fools, Male and Female, with BIBLE, in Hand, Married, and Single, talking about whose going to have Sex, with WHO?

They live from day to day with that in Mind!

As I grew up in my Life, I saw friends of mine, and others I came in contact with, who were just everyday Normal people, but something went wrong in their lives, and they HIT ROCK BOTTOM, some did not even go to church, but all of a sudden, they became, Freaking Born Again Damn FOOLS, then have the Nerve to talk down to YOU!

Now I have said a Lot to you on my Internet, World, Wild, Web, Site, Everything I've said, and will say to you, you know is all TRUE! Take a very Long Look at Yourself, and your Circle of Friends, and Church Members, and see if you come up, with the Problematic, Thoughts, I came up with! What, So, Called, Christian, Folk, Do, To, One, Another!

What I have been saying about what most So Called Christian Folk Really Are, "if you are Pretending to be a So Called Christian, then you are Insane, Neurotic, Mentally ill, Committable, Psychotic, Paranoid, Paranoiac, Demented, and Deranged!

So Called Pretending Christian Folk have always acted this way, from the Beginning, of TIME!

The Big Shots, Middle Shots, Small Shots, and the so called Nobodies, they are all one in the SAME, PERSON!

Since I created this topic, I've talked to Female, and Male Friends of mine, and they all Agree with the way I went about it, Telling My Story.

What I have found out about us all, is that, "We Are All Guilty, Of SIN", so if you get Hot, and Mad while you read this, and have the Nerve To Become OFFENDED, then you are Really GUILTY as I said you WERE!

Why did you get Offended? Because when you do, "You Have Not Gotten Rid Of Your SHAME!" So Release Your DAMN SHAME, YOU FOOL!

People, I see in my everyday life, are just Unhappy with Themselves. Parents, show their children, how to step on, and put down others, then when they become Adults, they continue the cycle of abuse, putting down of others. That's what is wrong at my church too, just as it is at your church. In other words, by putting down people, makes you a better person.

People in the church choir, live in Unhappy Homes, when that is the case, They have nothing to show for themselves, what they have done good in their LIVES, they don't stand for what is RIGHTEOUSLY CORRECT,!. Churches that have Choirs, and Church Members that are Very Corrupt, and won't even stand and speakout what is wrong, will DIE!

Also, Peoples, bodies, let them down in ways that are indescribable that marriages don't even work, then they believe they are better than you, so they put you DOWN, all the TIME!

We also Prejudge each other, before even trying to get close to the one we are prejudging. In doing so, I find people who will do you that way will always lose out on the best friend that they could ever have, and that's really SAD!

What So Called Christian Folk Do To One Another,!. This is just as simple, as it GETS!

Now, for a Positive Comment. If So Called Christian Folk are to get along with each other, their problems, and at HOME, & FAMILY, will have to find out for themselves, who they really are, what they are, in the Home, the Family Unit, then find out what they can do well, and LOVE, what they can do in the world, and be Happy, with SELF!

"SELF, ALWAYS, COMES, FIRST". You are Nobody, until you do that!

The same goes for your HOME LIFE! If one is really happy with who they are, they will not get in the way, of your ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

You just won't do it, if you are ALL, THAT, HAPPY!

That is, what most UnHappy Christian Folk Do, Cut You DOWN!

What for, anyway, because you are so HAPPY? BIG DEAL! That's ME! I don't put you Down, don't have a need, to do such Sickening, things, because I Really Feel Good, About What I Stand For, What I Can, and have DONE WELL in my LIFE! THE END!
I Call it, Say it, the Way I See IT!

"What nobody had the nerve to tell you until now."
"Real evidence of what you only suspected."
"The Black Church as you've never known it before." "I was about to begin a ministerial journey that would hold my greatest achievements and my most embarrassing failures. A journey where my fantasy mentality would evolve into a nightmare reality. I would be loved and hated on this journey; both acclaimed and harshly criticized. I would make few friends, but several enemies. I would be used and abused and then master those cruelties myself.

I was about to embark on a hell of a journey." -
"Pulpit Confessions: Exposing The Black Church" by N. Moore
Those of us that use the Internet Correctly to Write Our Books, get

Crazy Wise Bungy Jumping Man, Tandem Free Falling Sky-Diving Static Line Jumper, MIDI Church Organist Teacher, Knowledgeable PC Internet Consultant, Mr. Eccentric Foster..(:)

Church Folk Are The Most Insane & Corrupted. It's A GAME! So Called Christian Churches Will FIRE You For SPEAKING OUT! What Kind Of Funny Things Goes On In All Hospitals ERs And Doctors Offices?

Last Update: 01/09/2003
Web Author: MIDI Organist G. Foster
Copyright ©2003 by George A. Foster - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED